Jonathan Poche
5 points
Great video Phil.
Hand 1 - I know we have just the spade blocker, but I am wondering if we can incorporate some check backs with the nut flush draw in position. In this hand for instance we turn Jd and raise the turn, but if we had nut spades n check back and Jh peels turn. We could raise turn here n should have the same EQ vs his range? also allows him to bet the flush when it peels off and us being real under repp'd here. Or are we just better off building a pot here in position with TPTK +nfd? thoughts?
Hand 1 - I know we have just the spade blocker, but I am wondering if we can incorporate some check backs with the nut flush draw in position. In this hand for instance we turn Jd and raise the turn, but if we had nut spades n check back and Jh peels turn. We could raise turn here n should have the same EQ vs his range? also allows him to bet the flush when it peels off and us being real under repp'd here. Or are we just better off building a pot here in position with TPTK +nfd? thoughts?
March 13, 2013 | 7:10 p.m.
Whoa disregard my first comment to a degree I thought I read that sb jammed which was what was puzzling.
March 8, 2013 | 6:14 p.m.
Shitty spoy but its fold right? Is he playing nines that way? It feels like AK a lot. And its probably seldom if ever AA n KK. I mean I Don't like a fold but from my understanding of ICMit should be a fold.
But maybe your scratching your head b/c 9th really isn't that much n you know you're flipping a lot here. And if so winning this flip gives us a real great shot At winning the tourney.
But maybe your scratching your head b/c 9th really isn't that much n you know you're flipping a lot here. And if so winning this flip gives us a real great shot At winning the tourney.
March 8, 2013 | 5:43 a.m.
Post |
Jonathan Poche
posted in
real deep full ring 20/40 at commerce. Get 300+ bigs in on the flop
Utg +1 (25k) opens to 100 in, fold, I (14.5k) make it 320 with QcJcQd9h, Next guy 8k flats, button (4k) flats, sb (2k) flats, bb folds.
Flop is Tc 8c 4d (1660)
Sb leads basically pot and is all in, utg+1 makes it 5.1k, I go all in. He tanks about a minute and calls.
Anyone find a way to not get it in there. Thoughts on utg +1 is that he had been real active and playing well for the most part. He could be isoing semi lite. Im pretty sure his range is top two +, top pair + fd+, all sets obv and perhaps kings +nfd. Idk. Thoughts are apreciated
Flop is Tc 8c 4d (1660)
Sb leads basically pot and is all in, utg+1 makes it 5.1k, I go all in. He tanks about a minute and calls.
Anyone find a way to not get it in there. Thoughts on utg +1 is that he had been real active and playing well for the most part. He could be isoing semi lite. Im pretty sure his range is top two +, top pair + fd+, all sets obv and perhaps kings +nfd. Idk. Thoughts are apreciated
Feb. 20, 2013 | 3:29 a.m.
Thx grayson n btw I saw ur comment about coaching in another thread. I will give u a shout n
inquire. But about this hand if we're reacting to both actions each way. Then opponents can min op top top n get called wider by us then if they shoved, but really get away with jamming much wider then usual due to the Icm reasons stated before. I was pretty sure shoving would be seen standard here a fair amount. I just wanted toknow what changes our mindset to think 88 is profitable here now but wasn't if he shoved. I mean I assume it's due to theopen we pick up if he folds as that's the only thing that cut changes.
inquire. But about this hand if we're reacting to both actions each way. Then opponents can min op top top n get called wider by us then if they shoved, but really get away with jamming much wider then usual due to the Icm reasons stated before. I was pretty sure shoving would be seen standard here a fair amount. I just wanted toknow what changes our mindset to think 88 is profitable here now but wasn't if he shoved. I mean I assume it's due to theopen we pick up if he folds as that's the only thing that cut changes.
Feb. 18, 2013 | 8:19 a.m.
Not sure if my last post came through but I'll try it again.
Thanks for posting this interesting spot Craig. I was wondering what our play here would be if the villain min raised the button? Are we just flatting and playing as cautious as possible post flop? How often are we considering jamming over the min?
Thanks for posting this interesting spot Craig. I was wondering what our play here would be if the villain min raised the button? Are we just flatting and playing as cautious as possible post flop? How often are we considering jamming over the min?
Feb. 18, 2013 | 7:20 a.m.
I pretty much agree with everything that Mike said. Having been mostly a cash game player pre BF, I had a pretty big data base versus main opponents and knew who I wanted to play every day. Lol. While also being able to leak find easier. However I am looking forward to getting back on it soon and finding ways to utilize the tool more in mtts. I imagine stats like tom suggested ready at your fingertips could come in handy on real high volume days. However in saying all that I wouldn't trade the innate ability that guys like you have to really understand the in gameflow and meta being played at that particular time.
On a more serious note how do I get cropped info that sweet ass default pic? I want to be the guy on his left crouched down pointing at the camera with a two fingerd and a backwards hat on. Rap video style
On a more serious note how do I get cropped info that sweet ass default pic? I want to be the guy on his left crouched down pointing at the camera with a two fingerd and a backwards hat on. Rap video style
Feb. 18, 2013 | 6:05 a.m.
Nice work homie!
Feb. 5, 2013 | 12:31 a.m.
First off great site Phil! This is my first ever forum post..... I play in a lot of great mid to big PLO home games, but never have an opportunity to bounce ideas off of ppl better n smarter then me like u and the other pros on here. So some of my logic may be watered down to what ur accustomed to, but nonetheless this will obv great for me!
I don't think this is totally crazy, b/c ur flop c/c bet river range has to have a good bit of air in it, or blocker type hands that he feels he should be able to get u off of. (all missed f/d, over pairs +f/d, J + f/d) Assuming this guy is smart n capable he should have a lot more bluffs in his range on the river.
I think this is good spot for him to bluff raise on the river. I imagine u take stabs at this pot enough for his river bluff to be profitable. + I think him checking back the turn allows him to rep a naked 78xx no fd, 578x 678x, etc. and was maybe timid that u would c/r him off of any eq he still had in the hand. He doesn't have all the 78's i.e. set +78 nut fd +78 K high fd +78.
expandI don't think this is totally crazy, b/c ur flop c/c bet river range has to have a good bit of air in it, or blocker type hands that he feels he should be able to get u off of. (all missed f/d, over pairs +f/d, J + f/d) Assuming this guy is smart n capable he should have a lot more bluffs in his range on the river.
I think this is good spot for him to bluff raise on the river. I imagine u take stabs at this pot enough for his river bluff to be profitable. + I think him checking back the turn allows him to rep a naked 78xx no fd, 578x 678x, etc. and was maybe timid that u would c/r him off of any eq he still had in the hand. He doesn't have all the 78's i.e. set +78 nut fd +78 K high fd +78.
Dec. 20, 2012 | 4:35 p.m.
Video is great homie, and don't quit your "rants"
Dec. 19, 2012 | 9:30 p.m.
Load more
March 13, 2013 | 8:08 p.m.