npt755's avatar


3 points

Post | npt755 posted in NLHE: $2.50-$5 Hand Online

I played the following interesting (and for me unfortunate) hand online last night and would welcome any comments.

3 handed $2.50-5 game

SB: Villain $560 stack
BB: Big Blind $1792 stack
Button: Hero $725 stack

Villain is a tough, very aggressive reg who is capable of making some unusual plays.

Pre-flop: Hero on button has KdJd. Hero raises to $13. Villain in SB 3 bets to $49. Big Blind folds. Hero calls the $49 bet.

Flop: Flop is 10s9d3d. Pot is $102. Villain bets $42. Hero raises to $137. Villain calls.

Turn: Turn is 5s. Pot is $376. Villain checks. Hero bets $377. Villain calls $377 and is all-in.

River: River is Ah. Villain shows KcQd and takes the pot.

I have been thinking about the hand and do not know what to make of Villain's call. Perhaps to him my ranges are really unbalanced in these spots (my aggressive lines consist of too many flush draws and QJ and too few value combos). If Villain sees my value combos as only A10, 109 suited and 33 (assuming I 4 bet AA-JJ, 1010 and 99 preflop) that is 17 combinations. If Villain sees the draws I would play aggressively as consisting of AJd,, A8-A4d, A2d, KQ, KJd, QJ suited, J8 suited, 87d and 86d that is 26 combos (assuming I 4 bet AKd preflop and accounting for the KcQd in his hand). I ran the math on this and against this range he has 16.9 outs and he needs 14.67 outs to make the call (again accounting for the KcQd in his hand). I took KQ and J8 suited out of my range and ran the math again; against my revised range he has 13.07 outs.

So on balance it looks like he made a really sick call! We have a history of very aggressive play versus each other and he is not one to back away from a confrontation. In terms of learning from this hand, I think I should move some draws out of the range I will play aggressively and move some top pair and other combos in (for example K10 suited and 98 suited). Perhaps I should also just flat his three bet sometimes with hands like JJ, 1010 and 99; I have been always 4 betting these hands against him pre; while I am pushing some equity pre versus him with these holdings he is obviously adjusting well to the absence of these hands in my range post flop when I do not 4 bet pre.

I would appreciate any thoughts or comments. Thank you!


Oct. 5, 2015 | 5:02 p.m.

Post | npt755 posted in NLHE: Very Deep 5-10 NLH Live Hand

I played the following interesting hand this afternoon in a live 9 handed 5-10 game: LAG player (2000 stack) opens to 40, average playing short stack (320 stack) calls in the cutoff, hero (7000 stack) calls on the button with 7d5d, LAG pro (6000 stack) calls in the bb.

Pot is 165 with 4 way action going into the flop:
Flop is 7h 5h 2s
Pre-flop raiser checks, short stack goes all in for 280, hero flat calls the 280, LAG pro raises to 1120, hero calls.

Main pot is 1065 side pot is 1740 going into the turn.
Turn is 2h
LAG pro bets 1300, hero folds.

I strongly considered re-raising the flop but ultimately decided against it. I think the fold on the turn is standard. I would welcome any comments and suggestions. Thanks!

Spoiler: The river was a 5 and the LAG pro had 52 suited. The short stack had a flush draw.


Dec. 14, 2014 | 5:54 a.m.

Thanks for another great video!

I have two questions about the last major hand where you held AJ against Mysters Y's AQ. 

1)  If you put yourself in Mysters Y shoes, would you ever just flat call the 4 bet preflop from a good aggressive player when you hold AK?  After a 2.5 year hiatus from online poker I've been playing a lot the last couple of months at at smaller stakes (1-2 to 3-6).  But even at those stakes there is quite a lot of 4 betting going on in situations like cut off vs. button.  At about 100 bb deep I have always been 5 betting with AK in order to: (1) prevent hands like 87s and 76s from realizing their equity, (2) ensure that I can see all five cards against hands like QQ and JJ (and possibly get rid of JJ) and (3) not always be there with AA, KK or maybe QQ when I 5 bet*.  Also, with 30 big blinds already in the pot I'm happy to win right there.  Maybe I should flat AKs and 5 bet AKo?


2)  Is there any merit in you making a little suck bet on the river (say $400)---maybe Mysters Y grits his teeth and pays it off with AK or AQ?

*against hyper aggro players who I've seen 4 bet and then fold I add a few Ax or Kx 5 bets mainly because of the blocker


Jan. 9, 2014 | 1:41 a.m.

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