notfamiliar's avatar


0 points

I think he’s gonna
checkback QQ @ flop. So, 6 combos for sure.

Is he gonna raise it OTT? I don’t think so. Rainbow board, not many draws possible.
Not many hands to protect against.

Is he gonna raise it OTR?I think it’s quite possible.

Same about KK, except he’s checking back the flop for slowplay purposes.

What Kx he might be xb the flop with?

The one’s, that’s not strong enough to bet couple streets/to stand a raise (correct me
if I’m wrong on this) Given his stats, there aren’t many of them (mb Kts)

I think +1 for
crying fold :(


May 9, 2014 | 10:17 a.m.

Post | notfamiliar posted in NLHE: searching poker bro(s)

Hey guys.

I'd like to meet a poker friend to talk about hand histories/theory conceptions.

Nowadays i'm playing Nl25-nl50 (was nl50 reg 8 months ago, before i got a real job).

I'm NOT a professional poker player. I dont grind for living. I have full time job, but i enjoy playing poker :)

I watched bunch of vids from CR, Leggo, etc... but I wouldn't say that i understarnd theory  perfectly and could break any spot.

 Who am i searching:

- a guy (s) playing same limits (i dont think guys playing nl100 would be interested, so <=nl50) willing to discuss some HH's

What i do NOT offer:

1) Teamplay

2) Chipdumping

3) etc. cheating stuff.

Thanks. Would be happy to get PM from the one's who's interested. Mb we could make some skype conference (i think 3-5 people would be great)


May 2, 2014 | 7:47 p.m.

Comment | notfamiliar commented on play well??

Great answers. Rly appreciate these. I did realise the mistake about type of this pot - non 3b for sure.

Meanwhile i have 1 more question. If it were an utg limp and we're mp. Are we gonna isolate? What about the same hand but ds? 

Is this hand even strong enough to isolate in this spot? Meaning we have 3  players left to act not counting limper.

(Sorry for possible mistakes, not a native speaker:((

Feb. 18, 2014 | 9:38 a.m.

Comment | notfamiliar commented on play well??

sorry if my questions will look lame (i'm kinda new in PLO)

what are we gonna do with our whole 3b range at this flop?

are we gonna bet the same amount also with our AAxx, KKxx ?

Is there any hands we're gonna be x/c, x/f as a 3better?


Feb. 17, 2014 | 7:57 p.m.

Thanks a lot for clarifying this one for me.

To be honest ur way (=the right one) of calculations was my first version, but then for whatever reason i changed my mind and did the wrong one.

I just wonder, why are we calculating 1.1 / 2.25?

since he's risking 2.25 to win 1.1 shouldn't we use the opposite one ?  2.25/1.1 = 2,045

A = 2,045 / (1 + 2,045) = 67%, so (1-A)% = 33% - ours MDF

hmm i guess since i've got the same results those ways are the same :o


Aug. 6, 2013 | 10:20 p.m.

Post | notfamiliar posted in NLHE: math question from newbie

Hi there ! I'm kinda new to the cash, so i'd like to clarify some things (hope some members can help me with that).

1 ) 6max, NL25. We are at CO. We open 0,75$. Button 3bets us to 2,25$

What's our minimum defensive frequency to prevent button from printing money by 3betting us with any two?

Well, my thought process is:

Our Min Def Freq (MDF):

B = betsize / potsize,      B = 1,5$ / 3,35$ = 0,44

We need to call 1,5$ for  3,35$  pot (0,1$ SB; 0,25$ BB, our Open 0,75$ now considered as a dead money +  2,25%

A = B / B+1 = 0,44 / 1,44 = 30,5%

MDF = (1-A)% = 69,5%

So, when a BUTTON 3bets our open from CO we need to defend at least 69,5$ (we can do it either by calling or 4betting).

Correct me if i'm wrong please.


Great site btw


Aug. 6, 2013 | 5:55 p.m.

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