7 points
Really good first video! Good content and good explanation, thanks for your work! I agree with some comments on more deep explanation on your process will be huge!
Just a question, on the analysis of the 97s hand, on the river in the software, AKs/AQs of spade are calling the river but not the other combo. Why it's suppose to be a call and not a fold? Is it because there is no spade on the flop so all the backdoor missed?
May 9, 2020 | 11:43 a.m.
Really nice video! Using this kind of trainer can be complicated for beginner because they don't really understand why solver use this solution over an other and you give great explanation on it. More videos like this would be huge.
Do you recommend to use this kind of tools for learning GTO ?
April 28, 2020 | 10:41 a.m.
You can find a fold but you have really good equity against vilain range. Depending on your read against the player, you can fold or call..
But I think the call is fine. You are opening as BTN so BB will shove a wider range in my opinion. Also a double up would be huge for your tournament at this point.
I am not good enough on ICM to talk about it in this case.
In my opinion yes it is a good way to study this type of spot so in real time you will be really aware on ranges and with what you should call and you should not..
You have also add the infos you had on vilains (SB and UTG) to adjust which is a very good way to see how your range change with the infos you got.
May 18, 2020 | 7:16 p.m.