1 points
I think you said it best yourself. SB will have way more 2's/5's in their range, potentially a 34, A3, A4 draw as well. You basically played it exactly like an Ax, I think if you had an overpair you would be more likely to shove pre flop with your stack size but maybe that's just me.
Aug. 30, 2020 | 3:17 a.m.
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Hey Owen great video! I had a question about playing against super agro players. I find a lot of the time I do exactly what you mentioned in the video, let them do the betting for me. When it comes down to the river and im out of position, is checking first a profitable option or should I lead out here? I am finding a lot of players that see two calls will check back on the river and thus I could be losing value.
Aug. 30, 2020 | 5:01 a.m.