0 points
Online 100NL
UTG+1 $270
Hero Btn $210 Ah7h
SB $111
BB $192
UTG+1 raise $2.4, call, call, call.
Flop 9h4h4d
check, check, UTG+1bet$6, hero call, sb call. BB raise to 16.
UTG+1 fold. Hero call, SB call.
Turn Ad
BB bet $31, I call. SB fold
River 9c
BB bet $62.5
Should I re-raise the flop? Do we always call river here?
Feb. 19, 2019 | 6:34 a.m.
All results loaded
AK on BB is 100% 3bet. you are underrepping your hand. V can have the same hand. we dont have much left OTT, shoving to stack his 2 pair hand. If he indeed has sets, just cooler, move on.
Dec. 2, 2019 | 2:32 p.m.