7 points
I am really glad with the content I've been seen after subscibing here.
For sure "Run it Once" is one of the top 3 poker coaching sites on the market.
Keep up the good work guys.
After a bad experience on another website, I felt that I should let one testmonial here for the coaches and even for visitors that are thinking about subscribe here. It values each cents.
I just feel bad because the site is raising more sharks against me on the tables. =p
Jan. 14, 2014 | 4:29 a.m.
very good video. nice tool to manage mtts. it's good to see one video, when things don't go so great to the hero. it's good to see your mood and auto-control. that hand that you felt the instinct to fold the set against a probably flush, was very cool. I felt just like you, on the first place, the correct play was to fold, but I was really curious to see the vilain hand. =p keep going the good work.
Jan. 14, 2014 | 4:20 a.m.
nice video... I was about to post that you should also post the hands that your bluff failed... But you did it. So you got my like on this. Keep going this good work. It's good to see your fails too because we can know what to expect or predict in the worst case.
anyone wants to refer me as a friend on the stack and tile ? I am about to purchase it. If anyone is interested, please pm.
Jan. 20, 2014 | 3:45 a.m.