1 points
Wow, thanks heaps for the detailed response
A couple questions. I don't understand your standard deviation numbers. If the standard deviation in bb/100 is 100, then shouldn't the standard deviation for each hand be equal to the bb? You seem to have done 10x the bb
Also would it be possible to upload that spreadsheet?
Feb. 28, 2018 | 7:28 p.m.
That calculator is pretty cool, thanks!
Feb. 28, 2018 | 7:24 p.m.
Is there any consensus on correct bankroll management? I've heard people say wildly different things from 10 buy ins up to 100 buy ins, and everything in between. Does is differ between stakes?
Feb. 28, 2018 | 5:30 p.m.
If you enter multiple bet sizes for the flop, is the size that PIO chooses the most often guaranteed to be the optimal size if you were to play a single bet size strategy (only out of the sizes you entered)? If that doesn't make sense here's an example. Say you enter 3 sizes, 33%, 66% and 100% and solve. Let's say pio chooses to bet 66% more often than the other two. Now say you only enter one size. If you entered 66% will this be guaranteed to return a higher EV (or pot share) than the other two? I've seen many coaches assume this and I'm not convinced it's the case. It make sense it'll be true often, but not all the time
June 17, 2017 | 10:45 a.m.
Ok, that makes sense
June 7, 2017 | 12:58 a.m.
Mitchell Reid, how long did it take you to read them?
Thanks :)
Feb. 28, 2018 | 8:03 p.m.