mw98's avatar


1 points

Great video.
How would one develop a sound flop strategy for the micros using a solver? I watched your other video about creating a 3bet/fold linear pre-flop strategy so I think that's straightforward enough with some experimenting, but once we see a flop, how do we then know which hands to put in bet/check ranges on different textures, how often we should c-bet each texture etc.? Should we try to approximate the equilibrium strategy suggested by the solver, even if our opponents (I play 25zoom on stars) are playing nothing close to optimal? How do we know which % of range we should be checking/check-raising/check-raise bluffing etc? I mean sure I can go pick different flops and play around with a hand matrix, but how do I know how many combos of each hand I should be placing in each category so that my flop strategy is (at least somewhat) balanced? Or maybe I shouldn't be balanced at all due to the population over-calling, so I can actually play an unbalanced strategy with more value hands against the whole pool to gain max EV? Is it all just trial and error or is there some systematic way to develop a solid winning balanced strategy that I can then deviate from? So many questions. Keep making these videos though they are great!


Feb. 19, 2019 | 12:26 a.m.

Great video. One question though:
In the last example, shouldn't we expand our green 3-bet range more since the SB's opening range will be wider than buttons, hence on average hands like KJs will be further ahead (equity-wise) of the SB's open range than the button's?

Feb. 17, 2019 | 10:56 p.m.

The potential of what you can do with this information is immeasurable. Priceless video

Feb. 14, 2019 | 10:17 p.m.

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