msj219's avatar


2 points

Comment | msj219 commented on QT97+fd 3way, 3b pot

Can't see why you would do anything but call here, you still have a player left to act and the BB I would say has a strong range here fairly often cbetting that board into 2 players.

Call and re-evaluate turn, we really only have 3 clean outs.

I don't think you should be too concerned with SB just coming along with very marginal holdings like a KQTx or a naked K-hi flush draw unless he's a very bad player.

I mean would you call from the SB with a naked KTxx or Kxxx flush draw with this action to you? (Assuming you just called ofc).

Nov. 1, 2014 | 12:29 p.m.

Being in position in 3bet pots deep is where you print money.

imo PLO gameplay changes drastically once you hit 200bb+, many spots and deicions are unclear especially when your OOP and being OOP is where you will often make the most mistakes since you are put in tough spots with very limited information on your opponent's range.

I personally don't think you should ever 3bet a tough regular OOP, the argument of value lost when you have great equity preflop does not beat the fact that postflop you are at a significant disadvantage where in most cases you will make more costly mistakes than your opponent despite having a stronger range preflop.

It may seem weak but these are the typical kind of spots in PLO where you've 3bet a tough opponent OOP purely based off the fact that your 10% range > their 65% opening range or what not.

Then your completely lost on what to do postflop because of the fact that their range is so wide and they are good enough to be able use their position well enough that medium strength holdings become a clouded guess based off opponent tendencies and assumptions on their range which may or may not be correct.


Nov. 1, 2014 | 12:20 p.m.

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