5 points
how do u tag a hand?
Feb. 28, 2015 | 7:44 p.m.
I've got some advice. don't play the rocky soundtrack, makes u play like an overly-aggresive donkey. Make ur own playlist for poker, play for an hour with play money chips to test if you can concentrate. Its about balance too because anything trance or background sound might do the opposite of help you concentrate and literally put u in a trance. Just a thought.
Feb. 28, 2015 | 7:42 p.m.
I know I realized thats what I was trying to do and have corrected it. Thanks
Jan. 23, 2015 | 1:29 a.m.
Thanks I get what you are both saying
Jan. 20, 2015 | 5:38 p.m.
as a general "GTO" is this good bet sizing? 1/3 pot on flop, 1/2 on turn, 3/4 on river. I think it works well because the small bet on flop keeps the pot small so encourages them to stick around and keeps pot small if you need to bluff the turn which with a 1/2 pot bet offers the opponent 2 to 1 on a call, not good enough for flush/ straight draws to call. Then on the river you can bet 1/2 when triple barreling or getting a tight player to call a value hand, or 3/4 against either a calling station or to put pressure on in a cash game. I understand bet sizing changes depending on the board texture just wondering if this is good in general. Might set my bet slider to something like this if you guys agree.
Jan. 19, 2015 | 5:53 a.m.
yeah but I am the one with QQ so obviously I posted as a bad beat not a brag lol
Jan. 18, 2015 | 8:09 p.m.
Jan. 16, 2015 | 10:03 p.m.
shark cage = drink
Dec. 29, 2014 | 3:13 p.m.
yeah I see what you mean but technically I was trying to get worse hands to call or better hands to fold (that is what the bluff is). I did put the bluff card out because who would ever expect 7 high to call me? if I'm called by worse than 8 high it's implied that he was wrong to call. But I guess its cause he didn't care about the chips and wanted me to go in the cage instead :S Fuk it never playing that game again lol
Dec. 29, 2014 | 3:13 a.m.
Me and me friend were playing poker with the Shark Cage in play on the river. I have 68 of clubs. He has 67 of hearts.
Board is Jh As Kd 3c Jc
So I have the best hand with 8 high. on the river I go all in as a bluff (to fold better hands).
He calls cause he thinks he knows I'm bluffing, which of course I was.
but I wasn't trying to fold out 67!!! so was it really a bluff or a value bet?
Dec. 29, 2014 | 12:50 a.m.
be careful playing zoom you don't get in the habit of increasing volume and not how good you play. That is my advice and I think normal tables are easier as you can get a read and not only a read but a feel for the table dynamics. In zoom there are not many times to bluff, semibluff or get tricky, as people either have it or zoom off to another table. I'm not a pro but I've got alot better recently by improving my bet sizing. Also I have to recommend this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPtVEfuUdkk and then watch part 2 after!
Oct. 11, 2014 | 1:21 a.m.
when I first learn position, watching youtube vids, they said that UTG has the worst position, and I was confused for a while because its the Small Blind who acts first postflop. I can only guess that its because when UGT raises he is usually stronger than in the SB. Is there any other reason?
Oct. 11, 2014 | 1:11 a.m.
started with 1500 chips blinds at 20/40 it was a winnertakesall £5 freeroll. I don't have money to play with atm so trying to get a bankroll from freerolls. I think 4x might have got him to fold but I'm not sure. post flop only thing I could do better is check and fold the flop knowing I should've made it bigger preflop. I mean should you continue with the story you meant to tell or give up as soon as you realise the mistake? What do you guys do when you make mistakes?
Oct. 10, 2014 | 3:56 a.m.
UTG1: 945
CO: 2320
BN: 3140 (Hero)
SB: 5620
BB: 955
blinds 80/160
Hero was dealt 9 9
UTG calls 160, UTG1 folds, CO folds, Hero raises to 480, SB calls 400, UTG calls 320
8h 2c 5d
SB checks, UTG checks, Hero bets 640, SB calls 640, UTG folds.
turn is 3h
SB checks, Hero bets 1,280, BB raises to 2560, Hero calls all in 740.
river 10c
opponent shows 5 2 of spades for 2 pair.
How can I play this better?
Oct. 10, 2014 | 12:22 a.m.
why is this a fist pump call? What hands are we beating if not flipping with?
Oct. 10, 2014 | 12:08 a.m.
I think you should just call pre like you did to disguise ur hand and keep him making mistakes postflop because you could 3bet but then he doesn't make as many mistakes post. bet the flop is a good idea, he calls with anything, check the turn as if you're giving up, if he bets check raise, if not then you can bet for value on the river. That is my opinion for how to play it, but I've had more than 15 seconds to think about it lol
Oct. 9, 2014 | 11:58 p.m.
cool so you've worked out that its ok to 3bet or call with PP in the blinds, but you would like to know which is better, and other hands I guess you need to take more care when bluffing or taking to showdown. I would guess these "other hands" have less implied odds and less reverse implied odds I just think its doesn't make a difference if you're 3-betting them anyway.
Sept. 26, 2014 | 6:42 p.m.
Yeah I agree. So you don't think implied odds with pairs (hitting a set) is good enough to just check because you have less reverse implied also? So you 3-bet to get extra value, is that what you're saying?
Sept. 26, 2014 | 5:55 p.m.
Thanks yeah I agree and its also the postflop playability unless you hit a 2 they're all overcards. I still think though it depends on the many other factors including implied odds of hitting a 2 and if you're being 3-bet frequently.
Sept. 26, 2014 | 5:41 p.m.
Sept. 26, 2014 | 5:20 a.m.
very advanced question which I can't answer but I'd like to be on the journey towards the answer so if you can answer this quick question it would help me a lot. If your equity is 43% doesn't that mean a break even call you need 43% pot odds? That's the way I learnt it; to have the same equity as the pot odds you're being offered. I hope someone can answer you're question although I kind of liked JediMindTricks answer lol
Sept. 26, 2014 | 5:16 a.m.
pretty good insight from someone whos new to the game...lol but I really agree. What I suggest as a possible value for limping is that it could make players make mistakes because they're confused by the limp. If you raise you say "I have a good hand" but a limp is more disguised, and if you limp alot people won't know when you limped with a very strong hand and by not raising you force atleast the BB to see a flop and catch what they think is top pair...Personally I would only do it to mess about and have fun with, see what happens lol. In terms of consistently making money though I think raising is optimal.
Sept. 26, 2014 | 4:43 a.m.
I know Doyle Brunson thinks they beat AK so why are they so far behind in hand ranges on equilab. I don't get how the hand range thing works because hands like Q5o and J7o are ahead of 2s in the hand ranges, yet behind when you run them against each other. Can anyone explain please?
Sept. 26, 2014 | 4:28 a.m.
thanks for this post I look forward to watching that at some point. Recently my favourite is watching Jason Summerville (Jcarver) runitup series. Theres alot of episodes so I doubt many will catch up to date but I would recommend this with Antonio Esfandiari as a guest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBLEWsHS8z8&list=PL0WEgOKoPvBRVL7JIewDYoz1k66uiMrhO&index=22 Also I found an interview with Daniel Negreanu on the radio heres the link: http://jaredtendlerpoker.com/blog/positive-poker-with-daniel-negreanu/
Sept. 26, 2014 | 4:23 a.m.
this is what they do for freerolls dunno about cash entryies:
50% of the fund shared equally among the remaining players
50% distributed
proportionally in line with the players chip counts.
Prize money stage
Each player is awarded an amount equal to the prize that the
next eliminated player would have received if the tournament was not
Of the remaining prize pool 50% is distributed equally among the
players and 50% is distributed in proportion to their chip counts.
Sept. 6, 2014 | 1:47 p.m.
yeah...looks like thats wats gonna happen. forget my position and chip stack cause they don't care about that -_-
Sept. 6, 2014 | 1:35 p.m.
halfway through a tournament and i was doing alright then suddenly coral is having network issues...live support tells me nothing except to try logging on in several hours, and don't say that I'll for sure get a refund for the buy-in they just say we can't say anything right now... Is this an absolute joke, is it legal, is it fair? I mean in several hours it'll be early hours of the morning.
Sept. 5, 2014 | 8:55 p.m.
thanks I like that advice, I would prefer bet/fold than check behind just cause its a low stakes tournament, want to take risk. oh yeah I can't x/c in position that's how bad I am at poker I don't think of obvious things like that lol when I look back logically it makes sense to bet and then slow down on the river but I tried to slow play instead of being aggressive and making better decisions. big pairs often win small pots and lose big ones so I've heard.
if you're getting break even pot odds you can justify the call to a degree so to be honest is there such a thing as a hero call? Is it not just the right call and the wrong call?
Feb. 28, 2015 | 7:58 p.m.