mpowah's avatar


2 points

Are you arguing that you don't want to have a check-back and then call
turn line at all? And if not, then what hands are you putting in this
range if not the above?

Without strong reads exploitably cbetting all our range here seems ok and I'd only be checking flop with a hand I'd want to get tricky with, like a strong overpair or some draws.

Problem with checking is that we turn our range face up and even A isn't as good for us anymore, as villain would probably expect us to have AQ-AK very often if we check flop).

Villain can valuebet as thinly as 99 or even worse on many runouts and he can bluff a lot as well as many runouts will be bad for our percieved range. If we do have a read, that he'll be bluffing too often, then it's ok, but without any such reads, I prefer betting the flop.


Aug. 25, 2014 | 11:16 p.m.

Checking back and calling turn seems decent only if we're ready to call many rivers and it's gonna be rather tough as our hand will look a lot like what we have (we'll look like AK-AQ), so villain will be able to bluff a lot and valuebet correctly against our faceup range. I prefer betting the flop.

Aug. 25, 2014 | 2:26 p.m.

Comment | mpowah commented on Good bluff?

First thought that comes into my head - why would you do this for value? Their ranges look very weak, and your overbet looks very strong, almost as if you're trying to make them fold (which you are). It also isn't in line with your smaller turn sizing. And they can both (if BB is a fish which he might be, given your description) have 87. Still, for a reg (especially if he's a weaker one) the river overbet might look very scary, so it's possible he'd fold everything but a straight (or 2 pair if he has it somehow) but if BB is indeed a fish, he might be calling you with any A, many draws missed, after all. So, I think that it's rather hard to say if this is a +EV bluff, and it might be very +EV with better reads, but knowing only what you wrote, I'd just give up.

Nov. 22, 2013 | 1:49 a.m.

Comment | mpowah commented on $500 Zoom NL (No HUD)

Thanks for the video. Why not check the river behind w KJs @ 22:30? You're ahead of lots of draws and it looks like a very good spot for him to check-raise bluff as your range looks pretty weak.

July 4, 2013 | 8:42 p.m.

4-b calling only JJ+, AK vs 15% 3bettor seems way too tight, unless he's 3b-folding almost always (which is probably not the case if he's good). Just open tighter from CO and expand your 4b-call range to at least AQ+, TT+.

July 1, 2013 | 9:24 a.m.

Everything works fine now. Thank you.

May 18, 2013 | 7:44 p.m.

Hi. My card was charged $10 according to the Essential pricing plan I had, but my plan was still downgraded to Basic. What happened? Fix it pls. Thank you :)

May 16, 2013 | 7:48 p.m.

Thought that midstakes regs were better. Some plays from the video look just awful - trying to rep a flush when he never has one, check-raise bluffing the river small when his value range is very small and potential bluffing range is huge. Shoving in 98hh hand looks very interesting, just like reraising very small (he does seem to have a decent amount of spew in him, so why not give a man a chance).
However I like live actions videos much more, I understand it's not very appealing to make a video of you playing your normal stakes, but how about reviewing another reg's play or playing on another site?

March 27, 2013 | 2:26 a.m.

Is folding 66 preflop in UTG+1 @ 12:46 standard for you in ZOOM or was it a misslick?

Feb. 27, 2013 | 1:52 a.m.

Concerning what you said about a player starting to engage his brain after you betting a certain amount and instacalling all bets small than that, also tried to remember it :), I think, it was said by Mr. Phil Galfond in a video for another site.

Feb. 20, 2013 | 3:42 a.m.

АKo hand on the first minute, where you 3bet vs 2FLY2TILT. You have a shortstack behind you and if you 3bet (no matter the sizing) you're going to have to call his shove. There's also another player yet to act with around 22k, so you might be pot commited vs him as well. Can you be bluffing here at all? I guess AT-AQ, some Axs hands and KQo type hands would be bluffs, but I'd still expect 2FLY2TILT to percieve your 3bet as very strong (probably correctly so) and so his shoving range would be strong as well. Do you think he shoves AQo-99?

Jan. 17, 2013 | 3:02 a.m.

Comment | mpowah commented on Re-bluffin
Irunlucky's answer pretty much sums it up. Actually him raising draws (except for Axs) and to that size doesn't make much sense. He'd probably have to call a shove and that's not the best thing to do when you have 7 or T high.

Jan. 12, 2013 | 5:19 p.m.

You can make a screenshot of the video by pressing PrtScr or Alt+PrtScr and then paste it (Ctrl+V or manually) into any program for working with images (even MS Paint will do). Then you can of course save the image :)

Jan. 8, 2013 | 3:01 a.m.

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