mozzie17's avatar


6 points

Post | mozzie17 posted in MTT: PLO 5 MTT ICM

This is a PLO5 MTT Spot - shows 270 but was 268 in game. I did break my action down time wise to get it to 262 while stacking off on the flop.

Payout structure: Roughly 12% up top, mincash is 1.6x, flat payjumps

IG: I pot, he calls, flop: K36ccd, and I did go all in, leaving behind 0.5bb to wait on the bubble and stacked off, felt ugly wrt ICM here even though flop was 0.6 SPR~

Are there incentives to actually take these spots aggressively to amass a big stack and gain future EV or going the ICM route - where literally no hand supercedes the risk premium we need on the bubble here. And if we go the ICM route, we call this hand?

In general too, would really appreciate insights on how you guys approach PLO MTT ICM.


Feb. 28, 2025 | 8:58 p.m.

Excellent content, Richard. Thanks.

May 14, 2024 | 1:37 a.m.

Hey man, great video! I have sent you a DM on here, pls check inbox , TIA :)

Aug. 5, 2023 | 1:22 a.m.

1.52 villain folding 77 66 etc pre at some frequency isnt that too tight or is that due to high rake?

July 8, 2023 | 3:22 p.m.

Got it Patrick, ty!

Dec. 29, 2022 | 10:56 a.m.

Hey Patrick, at 19:30~ I couldn't understand this statement wrt the spot.

"You don't wanna size down in a spot where you don't have bluffs - you wanna force the bluffs instead, you never want to lose the ev of your value"

Does it mean not having enough bluffs shouldn't hurt the ev of your value bets and sizing up w value would be prudent even if we have no/little bluffs?

Always thought of it to be the opposite.

Dec. 23, 2022 | 1:20 p.m.

Amazing video like always, DD! Interestingly ran a spot HJ vs BB with similar stacks and inputs for bet sizes and saw the big bet (100pc) used a bunch on Q85 2 tone. Think it's one of the dynamic boards where large bet size is used a lot. It'll be a really good one when you come up with the LP vs BB version of this one.

Keep them coming! Your videos are exemplary!

Sept. 22, 2020 | 10:03 p.m.

cheers lIlCitanul Diamonds infact are barreling for the bigsize from OOP, thanks.

Sept. 18, 2020 | 12:16 p.m.

Yes vs B65 we are defending 62% and vs B30 we defend 80%

versus the smaller size KQ becomes a pure call and KJ is only folding 27% now

You were spot on about OOPs turn strategy with KQ/AJ, KQ still betting 33% for the small size and AJ about 36%--but then shouldn't 'not holding' Q and J become worse(?) because now we lose to villains thin value bets more when we have KT compared to KJ

Sept. 18, 2020 | 12:09 p.m.

Hey guys I am studying a SB vs BTN 3bet spot.

Flop : As Ks 8d
SB picks 30% size OTF and barrels the '3c' turn for a 65% size.

IP defends KTs 100% but KQs only 35% and KJs 65%

I can think this is because Qx and Jx block OOPs bluffs with QJ/QT/JT
but so does Tx too with QT/JT/T9 (?)

Could someone explain whats going on here?

OOP turn strategy:
IP Turn strategy:


Sept. 18, 2020 | 8:03 a.m.

I'm studying a SB 3bet vs BTN defend flop spot where SB picks 65% bet size.

The flop is 8s 4s 2d

I'm looking at how does PIO plays KQ combos

IP defends 100% of KsQx hands but its folding when we have spades+diamonds

I understand why non spade combos are folded but why does it fold spade+diamond combos?

KsQd folds 55%
KdQs folds 90%

Can someone explain whats going on here please- attached screenshot of the same


Sept. 18, 2020 | 7:34 a.m.

Amazing video Seth!

July 27, 2020 | 9:53 p.m.

If im understanding it right the EV that PIO gives in the hands EV folder for each hand is basically:

EV= Pot size x EQ x EQR

I didn't take the f3b part of the equation into account while writing the Initial post- which makes it clear why even though some hands are losing money when called- they still perform better as 3bets than open folding.

Thank you @BigFiszh. <3

June 30, 2020 | 4:19 a.m.

Hey friends,

I recently ran a SB vs BTN 3bet spot w 2.5% rake 2bb cap.
I gave BTN a calling range of what I feel my reg opponents usually call and gave SB a generic 17% 3b range.

SB 3bet range:
BTN calling range:

The 3bet size from SB is 10.5BBs. Now folding a hand preflop yields '-0.5bbs' so every hands EV should atleast be 10bb (10.5bb-0.5bb) to make it a more profitable 3bet than open folding it.

So i ran a script and these were the 'Preflop Hands EV' which PIO spit out-

Strangely enough the only hands in SB which make over 10bb on average are [66+ AQs+], Thats only 5.58% range.

Everything else like AQo,AJs, KQs were better preflop folds than 3bets(?)

This seems strange. Could someone shed light on why is this happening.

Am i understanding something wrong or Is it because of the rake structure or the fact that IP is slowplaying some AA/KK/AK that hits OOP's EV or the 3bet size is just way too big for 100bbs.

Thanks for reading thus far and I'm grateful for comments if any,


June 29, 2020 | 9:41 a.m.

Cheers BigFiszh ( I appreciate the value you add to these forums)

@And why should bb raise to 11bb - vs. a minraise?!

This is something I am experimenting with. It happens in the games I am playing and I wanna see how rake and different BB 3bet sizes affect IP's continuing range. There are a bunch of regs in my games who 3bet to 3-3.5x and then there are some who just 3b to 11bbs irrespective of IP open size.

So if I get it right we only wanna continue hands which have 'atleast' the EV of the size of the 3bet (more that I have to call after my 2bet) preflop and fold rest of the hands?
So if we are 3bet to 11bbs after a minraise, we atleast need 9bb in EV to make a break even call (unless skill edge etc)

Is that correct?


May 2, 2020 | 3:50 p.m.

Hey guys.

I am trying to run a bunch of scenarios where BTN minraises and BB 3bets.
I want to see how different 3bet sizes and rake structures affect BTN's calling ranges and what are the thresholds.

In my first scenario: BTN minraises and BB 3bets to 11bbs.
BTN needs to call 9bb to see a flop.

In my sim 1bb= 100 chip.

When I ran the sim over 184 subsets- this is what the handEV were in the reports (for some of the hands)

Preflop Hands IP
Hand EV

JJ 1773.5386
AKs 1768.28155
TT 1313.86625
AQs 1227.04607
KQs 1104.29705
99 1058.01257
KJs 1001.47532
AQo 994.181706
AJs 991.1797
T8s 771.121889
A7s 769.167032
A8s 764.15229
J8s 759.291123
A6s 747.975671
ATo 720.756744

We need to call 9bbs pre (900 chips)- So every hand that has a higher eV than 900 I assume is a clear call
but the worst hand IP has here (eV wise) is ATo which has an eV of 720 chips.

Which means everytime we call the 3bet with ATo we lose 180 chips on average or 1.8bb/hand.
That to me seems like better than raise-folding ATo (because we lose 2bb/hand by raise folding)

Does this mean I need to raise-call ATo preflop - and even widen my calling range even versus this big 3bet-size?
(because the worst hand in my ranges is doing better as a R-C than a R-F)

Is this logic correct? Please share what u think of this.
Also how do we compare the EV of open-folding(0eV) vs that of raise calling (-1.8bb/hand in case of ATo)



May 2, 2020 | 1:22 p.m.

Comment | mozzie17 commented on Cutoff vs Big Blind

which video is this?

Jan. 31, 2020 | 3:58 p.m.

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