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1 points

Comment | morda commented on HU vs very aggro fish

Fold pre. Hand plays terrible especially against aggressive opponents.

Dec. 11, 2017 | 10:23 p.m.

River decision is read dependent. What kind of a player is the villain? Did you play a lot together? Why does he pot river with the proverbial nuts (do you pay him off light ever)? Shouldn't he bet half the pot to make your call more likely. Have you seen him bluff before in these spots?

Dec. 11, 2017 | 7:29 p.m.

Background: The game is $1-2 with $5 bring-in live. Hero has 1.1k. Most players are pretty deep stacked (multiple people have 1.5k+ stacks). Game has been playing relatively loose. Hero has been driving the action a lot, but not crazy.

Hero on the btn with AcAsAdQd. Everyone limps for 5. Hero makes it 45.
Villain1(1.1K stack) in SB calls - a loose bad player, not very aggressive, likes to see a lot of flops no matter the price preflop, a bit tighter post-flop.
Villain2(4K stack) UTG calls - a tight rec player, pretty passive, facing aggression likes to see safe cards on turns/rivers instead of taking small edges with flopped/turned nuts without redraws.
Villain3(3K stack) CO calls - usually a 50/100 mix player, doesn't play PLO often, but when does plays pretty spewy, not a bad player though just gambles too much (maybe the game is too small for him).

Flop Jd7s2d
Villain1 SB leads for $200
Villain2 UTG calls without much thought
Villain3 CO calls and mumbles something like "wtf is going on here"
Hero BTN ???

Thoughts: the flop is relatively dry. The only real draw besides NFD is the inside wrap (89T). Feels like this is the top of hero's range (even blocking one of the A). With 3 villains, at least one is bound to have a made hand (in this case a set). What is better to call or shove?


Dec. 11, 2017 | 6:34 p.m.

Hi guys. Sorry for disappearing for a few months, just logged in for the first time since my last reply. I must say this is a great discussion here. All great thoughts.

To get back to the hand. Villain is definitely able to have pretty weak holdings that hit a small piece of the board. He will also adjust based on whether I call or jam. If I jam, my hand is face-up as an overpair+fd for most of my range. I am not sure if he ever makes a mistake if I jam, I think he calls/folds all his hands close to perfect (I might be wrong though).

If I call my perceived range becomes a lot wider. I expect him to bluff a LOT of turns. I will have to guess a lot, but my thought process is to keep his range as wide as possible. I know this is high variance, but I just wonder if its reasonable to have this hand as a bluff catcher on the turn?

Dec. 8, 2017 | 3:37 a.m.

I think the "thinking" description also means that he understands how difficult it would be for me to play overpairs on most turns this deep. I think its very important to take into consideration what my perceived range is, and based on that give villain a proper range. I definitely think he can do this with most 1p+ hands, because he can barrel a LOT of turns that way (once he takes over the lead with a c/r).

July 20, 2017 | 4:46 p.m.

Yes, I think he would try to take me off what he thinks are any AA with any piece of that flop. Because I have a 6 in my hand, he only has one combo of middle set. I don't think he ever has bottom set here.

At the top of his range he has all combos of TT, all nfd+tp, all inside wraps + fd.
On the bottom end he has 1pair + gutshot type hands (no fd).

July 20, 2017 | 4:31 p.m.

Background: The game is $1-2 with $5 bring-in live. I have $1900. Villain $6000. The villain is a good thinking player, has been running like a god and absolutely crushing the game.

I am on the btn, villain in the cutoff. Two limpers. Villain makes it $25. Shortie calls. I have KhKc8h6c and make it $80. Folds to the villain who calls. Shortie calls for less. This is the first time I 3bet the villain, so I am fairly certain he is putting me on mostly AA.

Flop Tc6s3c

Villain checks. I bet $150. Villain c/r to $475.

Whats better to call or to pot?


July 16, 2017 | 7:44 p.m.

Do you have any reads on any of the players in the hand? How likely is it that one of them has AA? Are any of them particularly tilted/chasing - which would create the dynamic of everyone else getting it in light?

Fold in a tight game.
Call if the game is crazy/loose and if you have other reads that suggest people are 4betting lighter than AA.

July 16, 2017 | 7:26 p.m.

The math in the above example doesn't work. If a hand has 16% equity in a pot that would be $5k total, it is only profitable to call off when you have less than $800. At $960 it would be -EV at 16% equity.

July 16, 2017 | 7:21 p.m.

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