maxii89's avatar


2 points

Comment | maxii89 commented on Call or not?

I guess that 3bet pre is not bad we have a Ablocker which blocks UTG opening range, you put some pressure on UTG opener, weak range would have folded for your 3bet, but if your 3bet is called by UTG tight aggressive player, then it shows us a super strong range and you should be very cautious in exact scenario.

Nov. 7, 2020 | 12:14 p.m.

Comment | maxii89 commented on Call or not?

I think that you are really underestimating the ICM on Final Tables. First of all, look ath the stack size distribution on FT. Literally you can finish 2 place in this tournamnet. This exact hand is a clean ICM suicide. Look at the BTN short stack zice of 6BB. He is absolutely happy to see other two biggest stacks colliding with each other and earning money for him. Your job is to climb the Final table ladder not putting your chips at this huge risk.
People being at risk at FT is a very + EV for you.
at FT Chips gained are less valuable than chips lost.

Nov. 6, 2020 | 6:10 p.m.

Exaclty, in this specific scenario and circumstances which you have described, check shove on the flop is the best move here, dont forget about Effective stack size of the UTG opener which is 19BB. By doing the check shove move on the flop we are also doing an ICM pressure on the UTG opener with medium 19BB stack. IF he considers ICM, and he is not a total fish, then its really hard for him to put his Final Table life on line calling you off with a draw, if there are smaller stacks left on the final table.
Ofcourse you need to bear in mind other 6 players stack sizes and the payjumps

Nov. 6, 2020 | 5:59 p.m.

In this spot we consider to call for a set value with pocket 5s. But first of all lets consider our position and players left behind: How likely is a squeeze, call etc?; . Generally we are allowed to call middle pairs for set value up to 3bb, maybe 4 considering other effective stack sizes.
Also we need to think about made actions by the original raiser. Seems like he is going for isolation raise of the limper with a tight range (if no stats provided). Check his 3bet stat. We are not worried about the limper though.
Moreover we need to calculate our SPR (stack-to-pot-ratio). Lets do that (assuming we have called the raise):
MP Limper 250 + HJ raise 1250 + Hero CO call 1250 + limper will call another 1000 + blinds 375= 4 125 pot. Hero stack 13000/4125 = 3.1 SPR - which is very low. with this SPR we are playing all in poker on flop.
As a conclusion I think that we wont have enough equity to be +ev in long run against 2 villains in this exact situation.

Oct. 6, 2020 | 12:13 p.m.

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