0 points
Villain is unknown as I have just arrived in this table.
What you think of this play on each line? Below my thoughts:
1) Preflop: with shallow stacks I prefer not to 3bet my hand against a UTG raiser
2) Flop: dry flop, I think villain is raising almost his entire range, but he will only call a reraise with hands that crush my hand
3) Turn: nothing changed, I choose to call to maintain the villain with a wide range
4) River: I think villain would c/c river with marginal made hands (J-x and low PP) and bet with cards that have me crushed (overpairs, 9-x) and some random bluffs. Therefore I opted to fold this hand
Do you agree with this read?
Thank you,
Poker Stars, $3 Buy-in (300/600 blinds, 70 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
SB: 5,499 (9.2 bb)
BB: 4,357 (7.3 bb)
UTG+1: 12,226 (20.4 bb)
UTG+2: 19,154 (31.9 bb)
MP1: 21,670 (36.1 bb)
MP2: 11,219 (18.7 bb)
Hero (MP3): 11,330 (18.9 bb)
CO: 4,227 (7 bb)
BTN: 6,126 (10.2 bb)
Preflop: Hero is MP3 with J A
UTG+1 folds, UTG+2 raises to 1,272, 2 folds, Hero calls 1,272, 4 folds
Flop: (4,074) J 9
(2 players)
UTG+2 bets 1,344, Hero calls 1,344
Turn: (6,762) 3 (2 players)
UTG+2 bets 2,975, Hero calls 2,975
River: (12,712) 6 (2 players)
UTG+2 bets 6,992, Hero ?
Aug. 11, 2017 | 1:02 p.m.
Thank you for one more video!
Akira, 39:00 you had 18BB and open shoved 77 from MP. Do you think open shoving 77 in this spot is better than open raising?
If we have a range for open shoving and open raising in this spot, doesn't this play make our range capped and exploitable?
Aug. 8, 2017 | 11:18 a.m.
I prefer to 3bet big pf (~45k) with the intention to cbet shove any flop.
As played, I prefer not to cbet the flop because our villain can call us with any tp, mid pair, PP, gutshots and flushdraws. Therefore we would be almost pot committed and too many turn cards are bad for our equity.
I am checking that turn again, because I think our villain is not betting the flop with most of his range.
After the villain check in the turn I am inclined to think he don't have any A-x.
We have induced our villain to bluff the river, but do we have any more information regarding his river bet sizing?
Akira, thank you again for your great videos.
I have one question:
15:45: It's quite common to be in this situation, so what's our shoving range here? (SB vs BB, in this hand we had 54o).
Aug. 28, 2017 | 9:44 a.m.