matty54321's avatar


3 points

Comment | matty54321 commented on PREFLOP RANGES

A hand like T4s or even worse T4o can be played in certain situations but in others it probably shouldn't be played.

A example of this is when your chip leader in a mtt and there's 4 left and your just trying to lean on your opponents by betting and due to pay jumps a hand like T4 can be a open against certain opponents from the button.

Another example could be when your 35bb deep and your just trying to get a image of a aggressive donk so you might min-open T4 from UTG+1 and fold to any standard 3 bet.

Charts are useful and a way to tell you how to play but understanding why a hand is playable on the chart is more useful.

Understanding things like 67s plays better when deep and against multiple opponents due to implied odds and hands like QKo play better when shallower and against few opponents. You really wanna get your whole stack in with top pair good kicker on the flop when its 20BB deep and when there's 100BB behind you and there's 4 opponents in the pot you may have to put yourself into tougher spots on the turn/river where you need to fold.

A hand like 67s is always wanting to get it all in when you have the flush or straight on the turn. If its 20BB deep your not getting the implied odds to make it profitable to call on the flop or even pre-flop. When there's 3 other opponents in the pot and you have the straight and there was betting on the flop then you probably are going to be able to get more chips in on the turn therefore your implied odds are true.


Sept. 15, 2020 | 10:34 a.m.

You just got to put the volume in by playing and just using the tools you have now and put in the study volume in. If your winning, know why your winning and if it's making the correct plays that is making you win then not much need to change anything. If your winning but ain't putting your chips in good spots then you need to fix that. If your losing your needing to look at why your losing. If it's losing a flip then perhaps yes you don't need to focus on that but rather look at if there is other spots earlier where you could of accumulated/not lost chips.

Sept. 15, 2020 | 10:24 a.m.

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