mason barrell
199 points
You should be doing some limping and some raising. I would suggest you get Pokergo and watch the 2017 300k super high roller bowl heads up match between Jake Schindler and Christoph Vogelsang. They both play extremely well and the format is the same as what you're talking about.
June 3, 2018 | 5:39 p.m.
Which stakes are you playing? I play a lot of 10-20 - 25/50 on there and rarely see this
May 31, 2018 | 6:47 p.m.
Don't like betting flop for that size. I would bet $10. Turn I would block again, ~25-35% pot. River we check most of our range as played, given your too big flop size he has far too much Jx in his range for us to bluff catch this combo getting such a shitty price.
May 31, 2018 | 6:44 p.m.
I've found in no limit hold em you shouldn't sweat it too much when you run TPTK into a set in a 4-bet pot. It's just a cooler.
May 4, 2018 | 7:56 p.m.
Yeah standard hand. This shove is gonna stack AQ/AJ most of the time. Also denies equity to his FDs. Unlikely he has aces up so there are really not a lot of hands that beat you here. Sometimes you run into a set and its GG
May 4, 2018 | 7:55 p.m.
I'm not folding. No reason to assume he can't have T6s or T2s or 22. Also some small chance he's raise folding a random 1 pair turned into bluff. The question is call or jam. I think if he's bluffing he'll give up since there's so little left behind. So I would jam here and if you ran into 53 its whatever.
May 4, 2018 | 7:52 p.m.
also dont like raising turn, i raise flop
April 2, 2018 | 8:08 a.m.
pretty easy fold on the turn
April 2, 2018 | 8:08 a.m.
I personally enjoy Garrett Adelsteins old videos where he just goes over a handful of hand histories and gives us his thoughts.
Jan. 4, 2018 | 8:09 p.m.
Why fold 78dd sb vs btn min raise
Dec. 24, 2017 | 8:17 a.m.
Pretty fuckin unlikely he has a 6.
Oct. 3, 2017 | 7:10 a.m.
Fold, utg opened with several reshove stacks behind, one of which was in the BB. Should mean tighter range for him and thus 3 bettor is much tighter as well
Sept. 4, 2017 | 6:48 p.m.
Excuse my bayesian analysis, but doesn't it seem like he has TT here like a lot?
Sept. 4, 2017 | 6:46 p.m.
Super spewey
Aug. 28, 2017 | 6 p.m.
I think flop check is fine, other strategies make sense as well. I like the idea of betting 66-99 and checking TT JJ and QQ since they benefit less from denying equity.
As played turn is a super clear bet. We have the effective nuts, so I would go for two streets of healthy sizing. In my experience when people shove the river in these 3 on the board spots they are super imbalanced towards value, so I fold to the jam for sure.
Aug. 28, 2017 | 5:45 p.m.
uh, 3-bet pre 100% of the time. Fold turn
Aug. 27, 2017 | 6:53 p.m.
Call. A lot of ppl play 3b or fold here which is idiotic considering how much value is gained by entering the pot with a fish. I 3-bet pretty linear here, but throw in some random bluffs like 45s and QTo from time to time.
Aug. 26, 2017 | 6:48 p.m.
Size up a bit on turn. As played, river is too thin. He has 50 combos of better hands (assuming no flop or turn fast play, so lets call it 35-40). Most regs will probably just sigh and fold their Tx here knowing they can have a lot of better hands. I would either exploitatively bet like 12% pot or check fold.
Aug. 26, 2017 | 6:45 p.m.
Flop seems close vs this guy between call and fold. His post flop stats make me want to fold, but it isn't a giant sample so maybe fold flop is a bit too nitty. On the turn, he either has a flush or a set/2pair from flop, so easy fold.
Aug. 26, 2017 | 6:40 p.m.
pre is spew. I would bet turn and then give up if you don't improve. Or check call turn is good too.
Aug. 14, 2017 | 12:23 a.m.
clear re raise pre. temped to bet flop to isolate the other player. As played no reason to fold river.
Aug. 11, 2017 | 4:50 a.m.
this is marginal either way, use your read on villain to decide (3-bet stats, c bet %, etc.)
Aug. 11, 2017 | 4:48 a.m.
lol how is this even a question
Aug. 11, 2017 | 4:46 a.m.
clear call turn and evaluate river imo
Aug. 11, 2017 | 4:45 a.m.
too nitty, he could have anything.
Aug. 11, 2017 | 4:45 a.m.
141 hands is not enough of a sample to consider folding QTs to a 3-bet in a late position scenario. Sometimes checking flop, but usually betting Tx here for a 30-35% pot size, so maybe you bet slightly too big. Facing the raise I would start to fold some Tx, but never ones that are KT+, or contain a BDFD. T9 and JT always folding without BDFD as blocking J9 sucks. On the turn I feel he won't have enough natural bluffs compared to the massive amount of AT+ combos he could be playing this way. So I think we should fold. His betsize is all fucked up too, he should be going much smaller with his range
Aug. 8, 2017 | 10:59 p.m.
I call, he is repping 78s which most regs do not flat pre. They do however almost always play 88 and 77 like this preflop, otf and ott. So they have 12 combos that appear to be very tempting bluff shoves, and are only repping at most 4 combos of 78 and 3 combos of 99 (both of which are discounted imo pretty heavily as 78 usually 3-bet or fold and 99 usually 3-bet). So I hero call this because too many possible bluffs and too few realisitic value bets from villain.
Aug. 8, 2017 | 10:53 p.m.
Say we call flop and 2 players call behind, if the turn is an 8 or a K and sb jams like he did here, I would just fold. 6 or a J I probably stack off as 78 is not nearly as common in all players ranges as QJ is.
Aug. 8, 2017 | 10:49 p.m.
I think some of you are overvaluing the protection aspect in this hand. I would always call flop because the players behind have so many hands that are drawing near dead against you that will not put in money if you raise. Overpairs, Tx all fold flop if you raise, but never fold if you just call. Yeah it sucks when the turn is an 8 or a K, but imo calling flop gains you a lot more EV than raising.
Lol no just rip it in on the turn. The player you described will never fold a naked mid pair or any pair+
June 25, 2018 | 4:26 p.m.