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37 points

15:53 ATo I agree with the r/c, r/f line of thinking with this hand but would be jamming AJ. However, I'm curious to know if you are shoving any hands from that stack depth. IMO any suited broadways are great candidate for it as well as mid pp's say 55-88. I just hate to be r/f hands that show a nice +ev edge if shoved.

Jan. 28, 2015 | 4:10 p.m.

I loved Tonkaaaa's commentary, dude is sharp. I tilted for 10 minutes after you folded to his 8 million cbet tho. Great vid!

Jan. 7, 2015 | 10:05 p.m.

at 48:00 I believe hands like 56s, KTo and Q8s are simply the first hands that wins us at least one chip...Even tho it's +ev to call with those hands and some slightly better ones I think we need to be careful and realize it's probably not optimal to gamble 10bbs for pennies when we already have a decent stack.

Dec. 20, 2014 | 3:32 a.m.

You had my whole attention from the first min to the last. I really enjoyed the hands and your delivery.

17:09 what's the absolute worst hand you would value bet in that spot?

Dec. 23, 2013 | 9:35 a.m.

Comment | Martin commented on PokerStars $265 KO MTT

Once again great video Sam! I'm a low/midstakes grinder so I don't get to play in tough lineups too often so it's really fun to see you at a table full of good regs battling it out.  

8:28 Would you be fine with taking a passive c/c line and have our opponent v-town himself a bit here and maybe lead some rivers?

13:12 Say the SB is a strong player are you 3xing anyway? I just fear that someone good might pick up on our sizing and accurately put us on the kind of hand we have. In that scenario would you consider 3xing the very top of your range too? 

24:37 It looks like an overjam for 27bbs but I can see why it's probably best against this aggro
 1) Say you had K9o instead of KJo would you make it 19k/fold or are you reluctant to 3b/f in a spot where you don't look particularly strong? (with an already shallow stack)

2) So if you jam KJ here I guess you don't have much of a flatting range except some traps maybe?

Thx a lot!



Dec. 17, 2013 | 7:11 a.m.

Comment | Martin commented on Overbetting in MTTs

Good job, that 66 hand really was an eye opener....while I think it's a profitable jam ( would have to plugged it in icmizier to be certain) the argument for calling was well presented. I like your theory oriented videos but I'd also like to see you play at some point in the future. Sick graph btw :P

Dec. 12, 2013 | 7 a.m.

 Would it be awful to bet/3b flop @ 20:08 ?  I understand we want to keep our opponent's range as wide as possible but it seems like he has a hand he's willing to go with once he raises this drawy board. A b/3b charges draws to the max and can prevent a bad turn of killing our action. I doubt he finds a fold on the flop after raising it with JT/QT.

Interesting HU against a strong player!

Looking forward to your next video Sam

Dec. 1, 2013 | 2:32 a.m.

The action might be a bit slow but I don't care because every gray31 vid is a christmast gift. I'm now going to nick pick and say that the tables on the extremeties are slightly blurred compared to the middle big deal but its hard to see the HUDs.

Keep those live sessions vid coming, I love seeing those lineups.

3:40  You would be fine with c/f flop right if you didn't have a spade? Idk about turn man it seems kinda gross to barell it with QT,JT,KQ,T9s,KJ,KTs representing a huge chunk of his flop peeling range plus we have to c/f river unless we hit the T.

27:11  Should we 3b almost every hand we elect to play in this spot except for small pp's? Even tho AQ/AJs/TT/KQs are 3b/f hands, I think they play better as a 3b with that guy on our right.


Nov. 29, 2013 | 10:10 a.m.

12:36 thoughts on b/c flop in order to take it away later when checked to?
24:00 he induced from 12bbs not 22bbs (nit picking)

You seem to have a very solid grasp of the push fold and rc/rf aspect of the game.

Nice video looking forward to the next part!

Nov. 27, 2013 | 6:26 a.m.

I said that because the guy is 14/12 over a big sample and hes opening utg in the sunday 500...I reckon he might open some wheel suited aces but two of those hands are already on the board

Nov. 25, 2013 | 2:01 a.m.

53:27 You say ''he can easily have a better flush'' but I think the only realistic flush combo that beats you is AcQc in that spot. Doesn't change much but I just felt like pointing that out.

Great video, enjoyed the ''lifestyle'' tips. 

Nov. 24, 2013 | 8:12 a.m.

I really like your laid-back attitude...when you make a play and it doesn't work, it's no big deal. Nothing seems to be a big deal to you.

I also plugged a few hands for you.19:31 with J7s is a decent shoving spot...prolly wins around 1800 chips.

 21:02 I gave utg a 25% shoving range and the 15+ bbs stacks behind TT+/AQs/AK and 77 is +1400, 66 +915...nothing too awesome considering you have 19bbs.

24:43 against 8%, 11%, 14%, 8% and 18% calling ranges K8s is +1400

Oct. 8, 2013 | 4:18 a.m.

Comment | Martin commented on Mythbusting (part 1)

I enjoyed this different format! Another example regarding the 10bb rule is that sometimes I think it's fine to call a min raise from the BB with a hand that we don't think is good enough to shove/have enough FE against the opener. Say CO is an aggressive player and we have 10bbs and 79s in the BB...considering he's opening and raise/calling really wide, calling 1 more BB at a 4.7:1 odds is quite appealing.

Sept. 29, 2013 | 6:04 p.m.

27:06 shoving 30bbs with 99 over the CO open...huge jam for 30bbs but I like the play. Are you 3b/calling TT? Only thing that makes me unconfortable here is that if we shove 99 then we should be shoving 44 too since it's pretty much the same hand vs zen r/c range at this point.

I think I'd prefer flatting 99 and shoving 55...

Aug. 20, 2013 | 5:17 a.m.

Comment | Martin commented on Big $162 Chop (part 3)


Is flatting an option here with K7s? Illini has been opening really wide and I think we will realize our equity if we hit a 7 or K or draw against his opening range

May 19, 2013 | 1:46 p.m.

What are your toughts about flatting the Q9s hand at 18:43? I think you are getting a really good price vs a fairly wide opening range. Very nice series btw.

April 3, 2013 | 6:52 p.m.

Loved that series mate, you're the Alex Galchenyuk of pokerstars!

Feb. 25, 2013 | 3:20 a.m.

Hi espen, I think you did a great job at breaking down ranges and explaining yourself overall. While I prefer session vids for the entertainement they provide I think this format is best for learning.

@ 6:27 what do you think about check/raise commit or c/rai the turn as a semi bluff with the T9? I kinda like that play since our hand is vulnerable, we are OOP, the pot is bloated and we don't think he has very much. If he did have a hand like A3s it would put him in a pretty shitty spot. Check/raising protects vs KJ type floats and could also get a better T like KTs that played it this way to fold. While he may think you are doing this with a turned backdoor FD some % of the time I feel you can have a decent ammount of value hands with that line.

Feb. 23, 2013 | 5:42 a.m.

at 2:34 he is risking 600k to win 540k (only count the SB and the BB) so it needs to work slightly more than 50% of the time to show an instant profit pre.

Feb. 22, 2013 | 8:34 a.m.

ICMizer is a fine tool!

Feb. 19, 2013 | 4:13 p.m.

8:06 Your KJo call is thin/good with a +1800 chips expectation vs a 31% shoving range. I thought that hand was interesting because many people are shoving to wide in ShaiStar's spot thinking they can widen their shoving range because the BB is committed to call with ATC when it's in fact the opposite. Shoving J9 is going to be slightly -cev in this spot...howhever if the BB had 20k behind then shoving would show a nice profit. Shoving K2o would be disaster since A2o is a breakeven shove against 14%/11%/14% and 100% calling ranges. The best example in this situation is 98s where with a short BB it's a really marginal hand but when the BB has 8bbs it's the stone cold nuts.

14:28 great point about playing tight when we are distracted/tilted for x reason.

29:20 T3o is not that close imo, even if villain spite calls with K2o/Q2s/Q6o/T5s/J7o, shoving is still +765 chips. Big ass antes ftw.

36:54 haha liked the timing tell read

really looking forward to next part!

Feb. 16, 2013 | 9:45 p.m.

Comment | Martin commented on 50 Cubed Final Table
Welcome to runitonce mate! I plugged a few of your hands as an homework.

21:57 3bet/calling 77+/AJ+/ATs?

24:42 Say the iso/calling ranges for the 3 guys behind you are 88+/AQ+/AJs, 77+/AJ+/ATs and 44+/AT+/A8s+ for FireFaux then shoving shows and expectation of +1343 chips. I fear that risking 73k to win 1343 is just too marginal in this spot. I understand you are the smaller stack by far and that ICM factors are minimal but the risk/reward is just not good enough in my view. If you raise I doubt you'll get play back at much since they probably expect you to r/c the great majority of the time with 18bbs. By min raising you are risking 6k to win 7.6k so even if the open works half the time (which seems like a conservative estimate), the EV of r/f and shoving are going to be pretty close.

25:03 If FireFaux opens 80% of hands and calls a jam from you with 44+/A7o+/A5s+/KJo+ then shoving is going to show an expectation of +7400 chips...that's 5x better than the QJo jam!

9:28 Thoughts on making it 19k/folding to a shove? Risking 15k to win 13.6k are pretty good odds considering the range he's opening with. Yes he might 4b jam T8s or something but overall I think 3bet/folding and ace blocker will show and immediate profit in this spot. Jamming 25bbs has to be +EV but I feel it's a bit of an overkill and like you said you have terrible equity vs his r/c range.

39:58 brillant bluff raise with the Q9!

44:52 loved your reasoning for under bluffing river with the J8cc.

Feb. 11, 2013 | 7:58 a.m.

Comment | Martin commented on $320 WCOOP (1 of 4)
Good video once again! Really looking forward to the next parts.

I'm just wondering if you have a general rule of thumb as for how many bb's effective you like to be before you prefer 2.5xing to min-raising when theres antes. The looseness of the table seemed to have been a driving factor in this first part.

Also when you are deep early you just prefer to 3x it because you just like to thin the field / build bigger pot pre in general? I ask that because you'll see good players min raise their entire range 200+ bb deep in the sunday million trying to play as many hands as possible vs weaker opponents.

Feb. 8, 2013 | 5:43 a.m.

Do you think it would be awful to shove river at 51:38? I'm probably just a spazz tard but that would turn a hand like KQ into a pure bluff catcher. I mean you could have 7x, a slowplayed AA/KK or AQ and he very rarely has those,

Great vid again!

Feb. 4, 2013 | 6:20 a.m.

You do a great job at explaining your thought process and building ranges...good stuff mate!

Jan. 31, 2013 | 12:22 a.m.

Great video, especially liked your HU confrontations with whereisdonny. The btn open limping strat vs the recreational players worked great and is something I should incorporate more into my game. My favorite hand was the A3o at 29:10 on the 4 clubs runout...really liked your thought process. OTR what's the worst flush you'd be shoving for value?

Jan. 30, 2013 | 5:55 p.m.

at 26:15 you said that shoving pre was the best play for Veritas with 88 and 17.5 bbs but from my point of view it's a really easy r/c considering his image. If your read on him is that he's raise/folding a ton then TryToExploit probably thinks the same too and could very well 3b jam 22/A7s/KQ...all hands that would snap fold to an open shove. I think 77/88 should be at the bottom of his r/c range and that he should shove 2 cents!

Really liked your video mate!

Jan. 21, 2013 | 7:52 a.m.

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