Marcelo Aziz's avatar

Marcelo Aziz

5 points

Hey Alex thank you for the video! Awesome content

@6:15 Would ever consider devoloping a leading range on these kind of board texture as we have a huge nutted advantage and even our TT-QQ are performing really well against his 3 betting range. It seems to me as a great spot as we might deny some equity when we have those over pairs and we are pretty defend as villain will almost never raises us as we have all the sets and he doesn't, also think mainly in these high risk premmium spots he will almost never c-bet his over pairs and will never fold if we lead let's say 1/3. I might think this would be a great spot to lead range. What would be your thoughts on it ? Thank you so much!

May 23, 2020 | 1:39 a.m.

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