0 points
11 left. I am maybe 4-5 place at the moment. Villian is active and steeling a lot. 1 or 2 orbits before I 3bet his steel from BB and faced 4bet.
As i thinking now i must just flat here preflop and play small pot with his wide range because we are very deep and i should expect him at least call my 3bet and play in position this deep.
But i didnt think about this that time and decided to 3bet. My question is about turn play? Taking this pot in the turn i become CL in the turnament and i felt like i shouldnt let river card to come.
Thanks for answers
P.s Exuse me for my weak english and where should i convert hand next time?
Oct. 4, 2014 | 10:36 p.m.
"I feel like a lot of regs forget to add-on on Partypoker tournaments. I feel like it's a big leak..." - this made me chuckle.
Around the start of the video, you made a 10bb shove from the MP w/ 75s in a $26 KO tourney - you said this was pretty light. What would your normal shoving range look like in that particular spot? I imagine the fact that it's a KO tourney might tighten the standard shoving ranges even further.
July 22, 2014 | 11:21 a.m.