7 points
I have been thinking is AKo, better than KAo in HU situation. Not sure how to calculate proof my point, but it feels like it might be??
Jan. 12, 2019 | 12:43 p.m.
As a high stakes player I can say that between toughest high stakes regulars its constant war where you try to alter your strategy so that in your opinion your opponent is most likely to make mistakes. Many high stakes players can play near perfect against solver, but this is not how you make the money, you have to be able to alter your strategy. Of course you can wait for fishy tables and try to play your best zero ev game against other regulars, but this is not the right way to go in my opinion: you wanna be the best player in the table and see the fish as table opener, and now when table is opened you can start making money from worse regulars and fish, not only from fish. This can happen preflop by altering for instance your button or SB VPIP ranges. Or post flop for instance constructing leading ranges some boards if you think like that your opponents doesn't re-raise over leads as supposed or is too aggressive against leads. If we take LlinusLlove out of equation, no one plays perfect. You can verify this by looking Invokers youtube streams, in which, he got so many leaks.
Nov. 8, 2018 | 2:59 p.m.
in that river spot vs. king10clubs on QQ7s 3s Q with 99 at 43:00, isn't that great spot to bet smaller like 25% pot? Given the point you think he's river checking range is heavily unbalanced towards give ups, and force him in theory to bluff catch with some high card hands, which he probably ends up folding anyways. He may even point that out and end up doing some hero calling on river sometimes. This is like similar to what I have experienced in high stakes that if you check-raise flop, and check turn mostly to over give up some run outs, that you are supposed to barrel through, you might end up facing a pretty small turn bet from good opponent kinda protecting he's bluff catchers against my give ups, which of course opens me new doors in leveling war but what ends up usually being a correct play in current state of the meta game.
Oct. 19, 2018 | 6:12 a.m.
What about bluffing river with 8c5 on 28:19 like 3/4 of pot to fold out better 5x/two pairs? If you would bluff river at this point what hands you would choose if not this one?
have done some low rake calcs with monker for higher stakes (10/20+) and it shows that SB should never call as third player... only like max 5% with some medium pairs
Dec. 27, 2019 | 11:49 p.m.