0 points
Hi guys, been a member for almost 3months but this is my first time posting because im confused and need some help/advices. Im a long time NL grinder both online and live but recently switched over to PLO ever since i joined RIO. I had around 2k in my account and jumped straight into 1/2 (i know its under roll, but i can easilly redeposit because i have a nice roll from grinding all these years) ran it up to over 12k in this period of time. About 3 weeks ago i ran into a brick wall or feel like it, I cant seem to win a pot/session and had gone down on a bit of down swing (around 35bi). Is this normal for PLO? please help with any advices/suggestions on how to turn things around would be greatly apprecitated.
BTW, I grind 6days a week, 5-6 hours a day 3tbls so I do see lots of hands.
Thx Tom for the advices I'm prob gonna take a few days off from PLO, watch some more Phil and other pros videos than come back fresh...
Aug. 7, 2014 | 11:05 p.m.