5 points
Hey Lucas,
I'm a micro mtt player and I'm watching your videos in order to play better with deep stacks. In micro stakes the are a lot of fishs, and playing a hand in vacuum really works, because there is a lot of players who play only their cards, not worried about ranges. But, against experienced players, the subject of playing a hand in a vacuum suffers diference from cash to mtt play?
Thanks in advance, and btw, great vid
Dec. 15, 2013 | 12:47 p.m.
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Nice vid Akira,
@18:48 that river raise isn't exploitable to villain? I mean, its a paired board, and its such a small bet that makes you very polarized, he couldn't be raising you with air? What do you think of a 3-bet there?
thanks in advance
Jan. 26, 2014 | 2:36 p.m.