andrew lishman's avatar

andrew lishman

0 points

Post | andrew lishman posted in NLHE: 2NL

Recently started playing poker online the main game I play is 2NL zoom on poker at the moment I am currently breaking even/losing however I feel like I am good enough player to beat these limits.

Can anybody give me some advice on the best way to play in order to beat the limits?


Oct. 16, 2015 | 11:23 a.m.

Post | andrew lishman posted in NLHE: opening range 5NL

recently just started playing online poker how is this for an opening range at 5NL 6 max as I'm new to the game play quite a tight range

UTG - 77+, ATs+, AJo+, KJs+, KQo (9%)
MP-66+, A8s+, ATo+, KTs+, KJo+, QTs+, JTs, T9s (13.4% of hands)
CO-22+, A2s+, A7o+, K8s+, KTo+, Q9s+, QJo, J9s+, T8s+, 98s, 87s, 76s (24%)
BTN-22+, A2s+, A2o+, K7s+, KTo+, Q8s+, QTo+, J8s+, JTo, T8s+, 97s+, 87s, 76s, 65s, T9o (32.7%)
SB22+, A2s+, A2o+, K5s+, K9o+, Q7s+, QTo+, J8s+, JTo ,T8s+, 98s (32.4%)

Sept. 27, 2015 | 8:49 p.m.

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