Einstein550 .'s avatar

Einstein550 .

11 points

That's a really great video, you're my favorite instructor btw, at 38:51, I think the reason that we bet with a quite high frequency with hands like A7,A8,K7,K8 etc is for deny equity, those hands have a lot of raw equity vs bb range in that board, though have a pretty poor realization equity, especially oop, and we also prevent him to bet and is gonna be hard to play those hands as check/call. Also I think it has to do to the fact that 7x and 8x block a lot of villain's defending range and we have a quite a lot backdoors. Thank you for the really high quality content!

Aug. 23, 2018 | 3:14 p.m.

That's a pretty close spot with 88 intuitivly speaking, but there are some things to consider:
1- the Co stats are pretty similar to a regular, so I'd assume that a guy with stats like this, in this specific situation are gonna open fairly more than his standard open range on Co, then I think is a pretty good shove, because you're gonna have a lot of fold equity, and also, if he is a regular, his is gonna put a lot of pressure post flop given the ICM dynamics and 88 is a hand that in a normal situation has a poor realization equity, with a possibility of you be under a lot of pressure pos flop it gets even worse.
2- How aggressive with 3bet are the players on villain's left, (including you)? if he is a reg he's gonna make this adjustment, opening tighter (at least should), speacially the button that has a stack bigger and can put a lot of ICM pressure on this situation, if speacially the button is the type of player who don't 3bet enough in this is spot I think his range tends to continues wide
3- how much edge on the table, the structure of the tournament: if it's a tournament more low stakes I tend to just call given that I think is a pretty high variance play and if the Co is a fish is an easy call, given that I don't expect a fish to put that much ICM pressure post flop then your hand have a way better equity realization, and also you tend to have less fold equity because a fish is not gonna be aware of ICM and can call you to much. I recommend you to check it on an ICM calculator, because ICM can be very tricky and counterintuitive sometimes, I think you can run 3 hands for free on ICMIZER, so you don't have to sign to solve this hand in a more accurate results.
those are my thoughts, I hope I could help.


Aug. 21, 2018 | 1:58 p.m.

Playing just a shove or fold strategy with 15bbs less is not too bad I think, but you certainly are giving up of some considerable amount of EV, especially in the spots that the players aren't defending enough, as call and as jamming, for example, you have hands like 89s, JTo, A2o with 15bbs on CO, certainly jamming is correct, but if the blinds aren't 3bet jamming enough (there's a lot player like this especially in low stakes) I'd be pretty confortable to mini raise/fold, of course it depends of how much tight is the guy, samplesize trustworthy, etc. Also a thing that matters is the playability of your specific hand, for example, hands like 22-66 has a quite poor equity realization and deny equity to hands like 87o, 67o or any 2 over cards hand that the villain can defend on BB is very important, so in the case that you gave above, I would open shove with those hands 100%

June 26, 2018 | 3 p.m.

Hey Gusma, it's nice to see that you joined the RIO team, I have some difficulty to decide which draw hands choose as raise and as call, especially when we're defending the BB therefore having a much wider range, I think it's a nice topic to cover

June 18, 2018 | 4:41 p.m.

Holdem resources and Icmizer, the holdem resources is the more complete

May 21, 2018 | 10:22 p.m.

I didn't understand, you meant this is a 1,1$ bounty builder? If it is I think It was a pretty nitty fold without any information about the villain, these fields are full of crazy players, plus your cover him for the bounty which means you need less equity to call there, if he is a tight player its a more reasonable fold but without any information I think It was a bad fold

May 16, 2018 | 12:07 a.m.

I think flop and turn play is fine, fold turn is completly out of the question especially against that sizing, the river it depends of villain tendencies and the preflop range you give for him (would help more you if you have informations about him), but it seems a call for me, with the size that he choose he can very likely having some of worse value hands, QJ,QK (he may have even the offsuited combinations, that's why is important his preflop calling range) Q9s maybe, and I believe in low stakes people aren't gonna be much aware of ranges and value bet more than they should possibly, with the A of hearts you block some combinations of missed flush draws which is a point in favor of folding but also you double block the AJ combinations which I believe the villain is going to have all the 16 combinations preflop without your blockers so your hand are reducing significantly his value combos as well, you may are nearly to the top of your range as you play, so I think its a call, if the preflop range of the villain is tight, and he choose a more polarized size on the river I think it would be a more close decision.

May 15, 2018 | 11:54 p.m.

Comment | Einstein550 . commented on Videos

and also in full library you can filter other things like ''theory video''

May 15, 2018 | 11:27 p.m.

Comment | Einstein550 . commented on Videos

I like to filter the videos by ''MTT'' and ''HAND HISTORY REVIEW'' I think is a pretty good way to learn sort of various things, if you want to improve in a specific issue of your game, I recomend to go in ''learning paths'' and ''MTT'' and there you choose the issue that you want to work on

May 15, 2018 | 11:26 p.m.

Intersting hand, I think preflop call is a bit too loose, but I think is fine especially if the Mp1 stats are given a indicator that he is agressive, (would help more his 3bet stats), the flop call I think is too loose, I think your hand would play much better as a raise and even then I think you shouldn't do it 100% at the time to control your frequences and don't start to overbluffing, You don't need to defend that hand especially because there's another player in the hand to help you two to defend, and also he can defend after you with calls and raises and you aren't gonna be able to realize your equity, as played on the river I think you are nearly to the botton of your range and your blockers are making a good job blocking the mainly combos of both players QKs and QJs that could play this way, if they have only suited combos (which I think they should this deep) your hand is reducing significantly their value combos, so I think is a nice bluff theorical as you have played. I hope I could help!

May 14, 2018 | 4:21 a.m.

Comment | Einstein550 . commented on ICMIZER question

No, it means that your play has a EV of 0.67BB

May 14, 2018 | 3:51 a.m.

I totally agree with Saul, I think there's a lot of people who makes these mistakes, and you can make a lot of money just be disciplined by fold correctly and let the others making ICM mistakes which is kind of difficult to find these edges, and easy to being biased for the fact that the CL is making a lot of money putting a lot of pressure and thinking thoughts like ''I'm not gonna let this guy making money over me'', but when you are making the correct decisions and let these exacly players who thinks this way make these mistakes, you are making a dead money which in the long run will make a huge impact in your ROI, based on the phrase of your friend I would say that he is almost certainly giving up of making more money in final tables, I think a professional has to always be thinking of making as much money as possible, and not just try to win the tournament, he will probably win the tournament a bit more, however he will leave a dead money for others the times that he bust earlier because of an ICM mistake, and consequently he will not be making as much money as possible, these are my thoughts for regular tournaments, for bounty tournaments, it seems reasonable to take a little more risk to get the first place but it is very easy to overestimate, so I'd be careful for making these adjustments, the best way to practice is probably running simulations on software to have more accurate answers, about the simulation that you'v ran, just make sure that you have estimated the range of the villain right, excluding the top of the range that he will not shove, just in case you didn't, other factor that the ICM doesn't take into consideration is that the time that you win the hand and you will get second in chips with a really bad situation in the sense that the villain is still going to be the big CL and that you will get very few good spots, I am not saying it is worse doubling of chips than do not doubling of chips, but for the possible ICM pressure you're under, it's not going to be as good doubling as it would be without this pressure, your position vs the villain also is relevant, when he is in your left is a lot worse. those are things to take into consideration. these are my thoughts, I hope I could help.


May 6, 2018 | 1:36 p.m.

Comment | Einstein550 . commented on Badly played AK?

I think the hand was very well played, you can make a argument for check the flop, wich is fine, but bet is also, especially in low stakes that people don't check/raise enough, which makes you can bet more hands for protection and don't be worried in not realize your equity, if it is a opponent that check/raise a good amount of the time I'd prefer a little more of checking, although, this hand seems to be fine mixing between check and bet. Turn and river I think is completly fine, I don't like to be bluffing river, if you want to bluff, I'd prefer hands that have less value of showdown, to control your frequencies, if you start to bluff in this spot anything worse than AK, the villain can easily exploit you by checking river all of his value hands and lettting you put the money in for him, another thing that makes the AK bet river be worse is that some times the villain is gonna have a hand worse than yours like AQ,AJ that I believe the villain should defend on the flop all the combos off and suited vs that size bb vs mp, maybe he can have some times QJs, KQs and with backdoor FD and decide to not bluff the river.

May 6, 2018 | 12:28 p.m.

Hey, nice vid!
at 17:15 the A2s hand, I tend to 3bet/fold vs de bb and call vs btn, what do you think about that? another question, vs a standard co range do you think is still profitable to shove there?

April 29, 2018 | 8:42 a.m.

I don't know any videos about it, maybe you can find something on Daniel Dvoress videos, in HU hands I tend to raise a lot more with my draws when I'm short

April 28, 2018 | 8:22 a.m.

yes, I'll send by message

April 28, 2018 | 6:24 a.m.

hey man, I'm interested, I liked your future vision, I have as you pretty ambicious goals and I would love to be arround with people like you, I'm playing small stakes righ now but I'm sure I can add value for you

April 27, 2018 | 9:52 a.m.

Amazing video, espeacilly because I love study and talk about these themes that are related to self development personal and professional, I always looked for this type of content, I'm glad that I found it here in RIO and could learn, thanks!

April 17, 2018 | 7:22 p.m.

Hey, nice video!
26:07 the KJo hand, what do you think leading the turn? I think you have a lot more Ax in you check/calling range than the opponent

April 10, 2018 | 5:46 p.m.

Hey, nice vid!
12:15 the A7s, at the river, I think is pretty hard to find bluffs in your range as played, vs a good player should we value bet there? if yes, what do you think would be good candidates to add there in your bluffing range? It seems to me an intuitive check back the turn, especially because the villain probably would bet with most of his flush draws turn wich makes our hand with less need of protection, but I thought that a way to simplify our strategy would be bet the turn and then we would be able to find bluffs in our range, what do you think about it?
18:23 the QJs, I'm a little surprised to see a small bet on the flop, shouldn't we bet bigger? since in this texture that we aren't gonna be able to bet a lot of the hands of our range and there is not much incentive for us to bet small, especially on that board that is gonna be pretty dinamic and there will be a lots of bad cards turn and river that can break the action

April 7, 2018 | 11:09 a.m.

Hey, nice vid!
At 29:14, I tend to bet small the turn with 55 since we need protection vs overcards especially vs two opponents and I would expect that they would bet turn somewhat frequently with their 77-TT type of hand and also we block de action the river prevent that they bluff us, I'm not sure these are good reasons to bet, may be is to thin? what do you think about it?

April 1, 2018 | 8:12 p.m.

wow, what a video, I already watched this video three times and it's helping a lot, learn this concepts and insights, the moment principle I think is great and obvious and I think a lot of people, for the reason that seems obvious underestimate this concept. I heard somowhere the phrase that the success in several moments is about do obvious and simple behaviors, I think it applys here. Thank you Bradley.

March 14, 2018 | 9:15 p.m.

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