9 points
First let me say this was very nice video.
18:40 JJ Would you check back without Jack of club there?
Nov. 4, 2016 | 12:46 p.m.
39:14 A7s hand you said you would defend vs his 3bets there but not said how, was you meaning 4bet shove by defending vs his 3bets. Or you can see you ever just calling being just around 25bb deep there?
I guess we sometimes have calling range there with hands what flop good enough like some Broadways/Suited-Connected hands? just wondering about this type of hand to be able defend on Axx boards.
I usually 4bet/fold ax hands here but thinking some more about it got Idea that if we never flat Ax there we very rarely can have anything real on Axx board (not taking into consideration rare exceptions) what come like 18-22%+(Depends ranges we/opponent play) and we have to be very bluff heavy or very fold heavy or stack off very light with weaker side hands by playing passive on 1/5 boards.
First idea was to defend AA sometimes by calling but when it cut Axx board coming so much seem not enough to feel comfortable and we might need sometimes call/sometimes 4bet AA anyway.
Another idea was 4bet all our range but seemed too weak play.
Let me know what you think and would approach it.
Aug. 21, 2016 | 10:43 a.m.
i agree with M Bigfishzh....but i dont understand why you like to take this check/call line with this hand?can you plz advise me your thought process about ''always'' checking this turn?Surely bet bet bet is better?and you have to call,your range looks like 77/88/1010 and some jacks yes.also you would barrel ak/aq enough as a bluff to balance.so checking calling im unsure why you do it?
March 17, 2014 | 1:59 p.m.
villian is 25/20 over 7k hands
3bet 10.1% 3bet from btn 8.1%
my view on villian is that he on the weaker side.however,looking at my HEM,i am down to this opponent quite a considerable amount.
he opens 3.5x utg and 3x from other postions(which is very outdated)
now in this hand he 3bets smallish(for him)
im mainly concerned with the river play,i honeslty just felt like i was closing my eyes and clicking ''all in''
as you can see my river bet is a full bi.so really not sure what the best line is.
1:if i check river im worried i dont get value from worse
2:if i bet river im worried i only get called by better.
3:if i decide to bet the river(maybe $100-$120) is it a bet-fold or a bet/call off
i have alot of questions about this,but can someone plz help me with the best line to take on the river.
we are scared of 99 and some,but very few 9x combos and a high possibilty of kk(in my mind)i mentioned i considered him weak,but he does find a fold with AA/QQ before the river.and obvs worse.
thoughts would be appreciated tx.
March 15, 2014 | 11:08 a.m.
Easiest call down.if that..you say he wont go 3streets with kk?i think you are very wrong here.i think even a raise is fine against std regs.(as in all in)
because of his stats i would just call.as he has a4/a8 combos in his range.obvs all pairs incl 44.
in future you need to punish opponents for opening that wide.dont hope a reg is gonna 3bet squeeze a utg raise.Gl.
March 14, 2014 | 5:34 p.m.
the way you played it you have to call flop bet and re-evaluate turn.but villian is agrressive.the check is fine if you do the same with hands that you not worried about calling him down(kk/aa/ak/qk),assuming blank runouts.but honestly i prefer to bet here..the board is so dry(k62)if he calls we have a much better knowledge of where we are.im also going to assume,even though hes aggresive.and he perceives you to be tight,that ak(maybe even kk)especially live deep game,is in his range.
so to summarise.i would call flop.then if he bet turn i would re-evaluate.
March 14, 2014 | 5:22 p.m.
Ya i agree with hotsandwhich,however i dont mind c-betting the flop(if that)the guy is obvs a recreational player?if you do decide to bet flop,check fold turn and move on.
i understand its hu and obvs thats a leak but his stats serious suggest that.
you said ''Fold to cbet in 3bet pot is 33%.Fold to turn cbet is 21%.Fold to river cbet is 0%.''
So the questioned you asked,''When should we empty the clip with this type of hand?''
My answer is NEVER.just wait better then empty 3 clips on him:)
March 14, 2014 | 5:07 p.m.
Great analysis...his check back on the river got me.i now realised he was scared of a possible straight/puts me on missed fl draw.but his line in previous streets tells me differently.i should of found a fold earlier.but i think it is a check back(at $1/2)
he had bottom set.22.
March 12, 2014 | 9:56 p.m.
villian is a std 24/20 over 150hands or so,so no real info about him.
my questions are:is my river bet sizing fine(the overbet)
2:Is this ever a check back?or would you always value bet/shove river?
Thoughts would be appreciated,tx.
March 12, 2014 | 11:01 a.m.
Ya good call.His turn play is very intresting.im wondering what do we do if he jams turn?do we call with Qc as potential outs if you are ''maybe'' behind.like you stated you block qk and and ak im sure gets it in pre.Another thing,if we calling if he jams turn,assume we had 2red Queens.Are we still calling?or does it now become a fold?very intrested to see what other think(sorry for tweaking your hand somehwhat:)
Very nice video. Having few questions for you.
20:30 (AA hand) interesting spot. What you do with overpair (TT/JJ/QQ) there when in opponent shoes vs c/r?
I mean it final table and opponent range when he check shove consist of good draws what is having 40-60% equty (depends what overs/combo draw he have) vs us and sometimes set/higher overpair where we are drawing to 2 outs (8-12% equity depends our/his backdoors), i don't think people check shove there blank 9x often. Not seem that great spot for our 1 pair hand even overpair, so wondering what you would do there with overpair in opponent shoes vs our check/shove.
28:30 (Q2 hand) What you do with this hand if it come back to you when opponent 3bet? Would you continue if he 3bet shove and would you continue if he 3bet small (90-120k) what seem look lot stronger.
Nov. 21, 2016 | 3:07 p.m.