1 points
ye , i realy think about this, about the large range here of sb.
Nov. 12, 2015 | 12:31 p.m.
SB: sauvesuk: 2,441
BB: krekto: 1,350 (Hero)
UTG: juliabarnaul: 1,395
CO: RbrtV: 1,090
krekto lost and shows a pair of Kings.
sauvesuk wins 2,700
Oct. 29, 2015 | 11:10 p.m.
this hand is fold pré-flop because of small pot !
pre flop limp is acceptable or 3x pre flop raise to put out garbage hands of the game.
Oct. 29, 2015 | 9:20 p.m.
skype: renato.topografia
Oct. 29, 2015 | 8:30 p.m.
slow play AA on the flop without a doubt it was crucial to find in big trouble on the river.
check does not take away the villain information.
Oct. 29, 2015 | 8:27 p.m.
watch the game from a reg, and try to imitate the maximum his game while playing and see what works and does not.
and discuss hands on forums.
Oct. 29, 2015 | 6:16 p.m.
baudelo represented a very strong range, AKs, JJ, and was willing to defend at all costs that hand.
with blinds so small the best decision is to turn off the hand to avoid compromising the tournament and wait for a most favorite spot.
even if you are winning the hand pre- flop , the advantage gap will be completely closed , there will be the best spots to invest chips in the future.
Nov. 15, 2015 | 12:11 a.m.