0 points
Hello Phil, very nice vid, ty very much) Why question is about hand in 55minute when we 3bet from the BB 4567ss. We got HU pot with low wrap 378 and we bet aboy 60% - do u think this is a good size of cbet because of our opp will call any weak hands like KK or QQ 8JKA etc and will fold to our full pot tern cbet if dont hit outs ? And another question, what we must do if our opp call cbet and the tern will be 4 (nuts straight for us) ? bet or check call? TY :)
Feb. 27, 2017 | 10:04 p.m.
Hi bro, ty for this video, great mind and lovely soul!) The question is about hand in 12 00 minute when we have one pair of J on the river. Is it hand much good to showdown with? Is the bluff bet gives us call of much good hands and at the same time gives fold of cards that are weaker than our hand ? sry for my English, im from Russia buy the may)
Feb. 24, 2017 | 9:51 p.m.
Hi bro, ty for this video, great mind and lovely soul!) The question is about hand in 12 00 minute when we have one pair of J on the river. Is it hand much good to showdown with? Is the bluff bet gives us call of much good hands and fild of cards that are weaker than our hand ? sry for my English, im from Russia buy the may)
Feb. 24, 2017 | 9:50 p.m.
i dont think that was a good bluff with 2 10 KA in the river 50%pot size in the 67952
because your 3bet range almost dont consider 34xx and it looks like i whant to beat out your pair may be 2 pair with AKxx AKQx and other
what do you thin about it? sorry for my english :))))
Feb. 23, 2017 | 1:52 a.m.
Thank you! Please, think about vid tern check raise or may be river !) Nice bro!
sry for my bad english)
Feb. 27, 2017 | 10:06 p.m.