2 points
could u put a link to these graphs please? would be interesting to see :)
Dec. 28, 2012 | 11:30 p.m.
hey phil, im loving the site. Just 1 thing, when i pause a video and leave it for a few mins i get a message saying 'video error. please reload the page.' I get this everytime i pause for more than 30 seconds or so, and i find myself constantly having the refresh the page and find where I last was in the video everytime I pause it to make a comment below or for some other reason. If u could fix this that would be great :)
Dec. 28, 2012 | 11:27 p.m.
at 9:25 on the top left table u open KJo in the co and get 3bet by a 23/18 with a 8.6 3bet and whos 3betting 9% in the bb.
What to do think about calling here? What would ur default range be given his aggro stats meaning hes probably has a high % of light 3bets in his range?
If u dont like flatting what do u think about 4bet bluffing in these spots vs a guy who is often light and we dont have much info about their responces to 4bets? obv if hes light a lot and he folds his light 3bets here 100% weve got a pretty +ev 4bet, especially with our K and J blockers. But do u find ppl stick it in light here often without much info on u just because u seem aggro and are opening in the co?
I find myself 4betting a lot in these spots thinking that they are light a lot and would only really shove if they had a decent amount 4bet stats on u.
What to do think about calling here? What would ur default range be given his aggro stats meaning hes probably has a high % of light 3bets in his range?
If u dont like flatting what do u think about 4bet bluffing in these spots vs a guy who is often light and we dont have much info about their responces to 4bets? obv if hes light a lot and he folds his light 3bets here 100% weve got a pretty +ev 4bet, especially with our K and J blockers. But do u find ppl stick it in light here often without much info on u just because u seem aggro and are opening in the co?
I find myself 4betting a lot in these spots thinking that they are light a lot and would only really shove if they had a decent amount 4bet stats on u.
Dec. 28, 2012 | 11:24 p.m.
at about 9:45 u have KQo in the sb and consider calling an utg open from a suspected fish, but dont because hes quite tight so far. So if he had looser stats u would call?
Do u not think its gonna be hard to show a profit calling KQo oop in the sb vs an utg open even from a slightly loose fish? his range is still gonna be pretty tightish being utg and u have to play oop vs a strong range vs the type of player who wont fold any sort of big hands? I wouldnt even call KQs here vs the looser player but maybe im not peeling wide enough in these spots?
Do u not think its gonna be hard to show a profit calling KQo oop in the sb vs an utg open even from a slightly loose fish? his range is still gonna be pretty tightish being utg and u have to play oop vs a strong range vs the type of player who wont fold any sort of big hands? I wouldnt even call KQs here vs the looser player but maybe im not peeling wide enough in these spots?
Dec. 28, 2012 | 11:14 p.m.
hey i noticed u flatted J5s bvb (1:30 into the video) vs what im guessing is a pretty unknown opponent. Is this a standard call for u pre? I would appreciate if u could right ur rough calling range bvb vs a typical reg bvb.
I call a lot tighter than this bvb, say 22+, A2+, K8s+, K9o+, Q8s+, Q9o+, J8s+, J9o+ and a bunch of suited connectors etc.. and just 3bet the better hands i dont want to call with if i feel its a good spot to 3bet light (vs a reg). obv this is a v rough range and i adjust it based on stats but do u think generally I can be calling with a lot more hands if pre if i play well vs the opponent post?
I call a lot tighter than this bvb, say 22+, A2+, K8s+, K9o+, Q8s+, Q9o+, J8s+, J9o+ and a bunch of suited connectors etc.. and just 3bet the better hands i dont want to call with if i feel its a good spot to 3bet light (vs a reg). obv this is a v rough range and i adjust it based on stats but do u think generally I can be calling with a lot more hands if pre if i play well vs the opponent post?
Dec. 28, 2012 | 10:54 p.m.
hey phil, when is part 2 out?
Dec. 18, 2012 | 5:40 p.m.
ok, which would be the lowest pair u would call vs the tighter opponent?
Dec. 13, 2012 | 7:40 p.m.
its 31 mins in on top right
Dec. 13, 2012 | 4:47 p.m.
what range would u be happy calling here with 100bbs deep vs this opponent? 99+? AQo? AJs? KQs?
how would u adjust that range if he was tighter? add some more pp's? be less inclined to call AQ AJ type hands?
how would u adjust that range if he was tighter? add some more pp's? be less inclined to call AQ AJ type hands?
Dec. 13, 2012 | 3:11 p.m.
also what are typically normal/high/low WTSD stats for regs and fish?
Dec. 13, 2012 | 2:50 p.m.
hey james, the AJ on KKQK7 was very interesting.. I dont think i would have considered calling the turn but ur analysis makes a lot of sense.
U mention that if he had a low WTSD u would consider betting. Could you expand on that a little and explain how u use this stat generally to help make ur decisions? Thanks!
U mention that if he had a low WTSD u would consider betting. Could you expand on that a little and explain how u use this stat generally to help make ur decisions? Thanks!
Dec. 13, 2012 | 2:35 p.m.
i mean i guess it depends on how high ur win-rate is in the first place, the higher it is the more spots u should be willing to pass up on. right?
but say im winning at around 3bbs/100, how much do u think i should adjust from what the normally optimal ranges are?
but say im winning at around 3bbs/100, how much do u think i should adjust from what the normally optimal ranges are?
Dec. 8, 2012 | 7:02 p.m.
hey Interesting video, great to see you back making videos. Im a big fan! Ive been watching a lot of videos recently and your ones are always by far the best!
I play 100nl zoom and I was interested in what you were saying about it being correct to fold slightly profitable spots pre in order to get in more hands, therefore increasing your hourly rate assuming you could win at a decent win-rate. I understand the logic I was just wondering how far to take this, as in do u think it is right to only fold very marginally +ev spots ie opening 22 utg (assuming that was +ev) or do you think it can be correct to make even tighter folds like KQo, AJo utg etc.. or even tighter?? if your winning at a good win-rate already?
passing up on +ev spots also makes us a less tough opponent to play against im assuming which could have an extra (albeit small) impact on our win-rates..
I play 100nl zoom and I was interested in what you were saying about it being correct to fold slightly profitable spots pre in order to get in more hands, therefore increasing your hourly rate assuming you could win at a decent win-rate. I understand the logic I was just wondering how far to take this, as in do u think it is right to only fold very marginally +ev spots ie opening 22 utg (assuming that was +ev) or do you think it can be correct to make even tighter folds like KQo, AJo utg etc.. or even tighter?? if your winning at a good win-rate already?
passing up on +ev spots also makes us a less tough opponent to play against im assuming which could have an extra (albeit small) impact on our win-rates..
Dec. 8, 2012 | 6:55 p.m.
Load more
you talk about how people are a lot more passive out of the blinds at 100nl vs 400-1000nl and how they call or fold a lot more than at higher stakes. Wouldnt it be better to open bigger than 2x otb given this? say 2.25 or 2.5x. the benefits being that we play slightly larger single raised pots in position which is often going to be the result when the blinds defend
Nov. 14, 2013 | 4:59 p.m.