16 points
39:00 I realize you probably folded KsQx on Kx2s6sQsTs exploitably, but could you (or someone else) maybe do a quick range vs range analysis to find out if we meet our minimum defense frequency by just calling AsXx vs a reg that overbetshoves here?
Thank you.
Great vid, as always.
June 17, 2015 | 7:47 p.m.
Dear Ben,
Could you elaborate a little on your 3b sizings preflop?
For example, at around 29:00, you 3b Jinmay's 2.5x hijack raise to 8.5x w QhJh on btn
at the same time, you 3b ICEMAN2710's 2.5x cutoff raise to 8x with AQo from the sb.
Why do you 3b bigger on the button, as opposed to from the sb? Is this player-dependent, and if so, what persuades you to size bigger or smaller?
April 15, 2015 | 5:48 p.m.
24:25 top right: Kh8d. Shouldnt this be a lead?
Feb. 25, 2015 | 3:30 p.m.
Cool vid, long time no see. :)
I do think the shove with the aces on the river is a mistake tho. When we check turn after we x/r flop, our hand is pbb perceived as some decent jx which just wanted to get it in on the flop, and now slowed down because of the king (it's another discussion whether we should be checking those hands on the turn tho) so we are pbb jamming/betting all of our decent draws (oesds and fd's) and our kx+ hands (for example some kind of kto hand if we'd ever checkraise that one) so whenever we do check turn, i think we should be betting pretty small with our whole range. If we decide to construct our range like that, we shouldn't ever have a lot of bluff combo's left and we could still be vbetting some decent jx+ and our occasional blufs we decided not to go with it on the turn (some t9s or whatever hand you picked on the flop)
KTs hand was really interesting too, not really sure how I feel about it yet (since it seems just such a nobrainer shove because it's so +ev) but a few of your arguments did make sense as well. Haven't done the math on it, but I think r/c vs btn might be a tad too optimistic as well.
Good to have you back, and sorry to hear about your little health issues, get better soon.
Feb. 21, 2015 | 2:23 a.m.
Greta video as always , i see u stopped using the small leading strategy on boardpairs, can u elaborate on why?
Jan. 30, 2015 | 3:35 a.m.
About the QJo on QsJc5hTc at 24mins:
Villain ends up double barreling As7s (river 2x) here. It seems to me like villain may be over bluffing this spot. Is he? And if so, does this QJ hand become an exploitative check? Or do we have enough straights here already to maximally exploit villain?
Dec. 30, 2014 | 4:38 p.m.
I know it's late, but still. Cheers!
And thank you
Nov. 24, 2014 | 8:01 p.m.
Well u put a set of conditions (wich i mostly agree with) where 99 has more EV as a bet then as a check. However for instance for a while i played a strategy where i didnt 3bet vs EP opens on any position (not saying this is good) vs this strategy 99 is pbb better as a check then as a bet, since villian has QQ+ and can float some more aswell beceause of this.
And probably more important: intuintively 99 seems like a hand in the middle of our range, on a board that slightly favours our opponent. And therefore seems to me like a very good checking candidate
Nov. 19, 2014 | 4:37 p.m.
Nice video,
I would like to see u talk more how hands fit into a range
With the right assumptions any hand could be better as a bet then as a check, that doesnt mean thats a good strategy tho.
Nov. 16, 2014 | 12:27 p.m.
~18: I think he has more flushes in his range then K and Ahi in his range that also might Cr the river, i mean u bet flop and turn so small that he pbb should float flop with a ton of backdoorfd's that get odds on the turn.
Also i feel like both ur ranges are so wide on this board with these sizing that he pbb could cr more then just A and K hi flushes. Ur valuerange is definitely KJ and better here(?) so should have plenty of hands to bluffcatch his cr here
As for ur hand it feels like a good rebluff to try to let him fold Some of his flushes, u have all boats pbb except for KK i guess
Like ur video's always(y)
Sept. 22, 2014 | 10:36 a.m.
Do you think raising j7 and k7 on the flop is way better then cc? Since u exclude those hands from his flop cc range
Nice vid as always(y)
Aug. 2, 2014 | 6:08 p.m.
I Will try to answer this for you, i think this board is very different then a avarage flop since:
We have all the sets and overpairs, and he has those hands at a very low freqeuncy also we have more jx
So as sauce or Tyler would say we should do most of the betting here
June 14, 2014 | 8:10 p.m.
The 54s where u boat up on the river, what are u trying to accomplish with this small riverlead sizing?
I get he probably wont bluff this river very often
And to this sizing he probably wont fold a king so there is that
But isnt it more effective to use a big river sizing when u lead? To put pressure on his kings With a polarised range
Or do u think u just have to few bluffs to use that strategy?
Also i think 54 is a clear cr hand and use other hands to lead river with especially with your small sizing
June 14, 2014 | 7:20 a.m.
Correlation =/= causal relation. If the stat had a causal relation to winrate it'd be worth discussing.
June 5, 2014 | 12:53 p.m.
Like this video, but would like to see u continue the unexploitable preflop serie
May 26, 2014 | 11:23 a.m.
Ac9c @18:55. Given that villain is likely to have Ax in that hand when he bets 50 into 80 on turn (you even talk about a sizing-tell), is it worth considering leading small on that river?
I assume he's still likely going to raise his flushes. He probably just calls his straights against which you probably would've gotten only one bet anyway when villain b/f versus your checkraise.
You're not getting any value out of his possible bluffs anymore, but you're getting 2 bets (bet/call) out of his flushes, which you otherwise might not.
And occasionally he'll look you up with Ax, which gives you an extra bet as opposed to when the river goes check check.
As far as balancing goes, instead of having to c/r your bluffs on this river you only risk 1 bet (the initial lead), and you get most of his missed draws to fold.
March 26, 2014 | 12:52 p.m.
30:25 (AhAc on BTN vs utg+1 open & CO 3b). Do you have a flatting range here (to induce IR to 4bshove)? And should we look to have a flatting range here in general?
I just didn't hear you go over the option of flatting at all, so I'm curious.
I think 4betting or folding our range make our hands a lot easier to play and I think make us hard to exploit.
Feb. 28, 2014 | 4:09 p.m.
can u tell me a little bit more about calling a 400$ utg shove vs a fish with 88?
Dec. 10, 2013 | 8:26 a.m.
~ minute 12: doesnt seem optimal or even close to optimal to checkraise ur whole continuing range on any board?
~overall u say it is standard for u to 3b QJo from BB vs BU and KJs from BB vs CO
arent these hands quite nice calling hands?
esp QJo vs the bu, seems both for ur range and in a vacuum a flat to me
maybe more later, cool video:)
Dec. 4, 2013 | 6:28 p.m.
Would be interested to hear opinions on this
I enjoy this video alot actually:)
Personally, I've been looking forward to content produced this way. This is ideal content for when driving, or doing other stuff, because you don't need to look at the screen. You can even advertise that it's this type of content, so people can prepare for it and listen to it at times they can't look at a screen.
July 15, 2015 | 4:35 p.m.