0 points
I was wondering if anyone from this site plays at Harrah's Cherokee N.C. This is my home casino and it would be nice to find a real life poker buddy who plays there occasionally. WSOP will be running there at the end of this month and I plan on being there at least a couple of nights a week. If you haven't been there in a while you should give it another try. It has improved 10x over the last 2 years. They have phased out the "Poker Pro" tables and gone to live dealers at all stakes.
Nov. 11, 2015 | 11:50 a.m.
At around 22:53 You raise 97o from button and small blind calls. you flop top pair 7's and check back the flop. I am usually betting pot or over-betting here, trying to charge draws a bad price and force out over cards. Am i leaking with this line? I have seen other pros here making the same check. Can you explain your reason for this line? Was it player specific, where you knew he would peel your c-bet lightly? I would like to understand the factors that favor a check in this situation. Am I over-playing small top pairs here? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for the excellent video.
This thread is a little old but i will still chime in on the off chance it helps someone. Studying and coaching is great, but don't try to incorporate new ideas into your game too quickly until you fully understand the concepts behind them. I transformed from a winner into a loser years ago after reading Doyle's Super System and making too many changes to my game too quickly. As it turns out, I found myself in a lot of unfamiliar spots. Sure I learned from it, but at a high price. If you were winning before, try to get back to the style that worked for you in the past. Of course stick to your coach's stop-leak advice, but stylistic changes should be done gradually.
Nov. 11, 2015 | 12:52 p.m.