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Ki Lee

11 points

Comment | Ki Lee commented on Should I play live?

Live games are def softer than online.  Even regs are fundamentally flawed in many ways. However, there are many adjustments that online players have to make.  Unorthodox preflop raising size, how to play 5-6 way pots, limp-reraises, constant limping and over-limping, deep stacks, just to name a few.  Player tendencies and betting/calling ranges are very different from what one can expect playing online.  Players are very show-down happy and don't value bet nearly enough.  You will see strange flop min-raises where opponents are trying to see "where they are at" with top pair hands.  A competent online player new to the scene can make grave errors in assessing opponents betting and checking ranges.  Balancing is way overrated and often it is best to make the best vacuum play for a given situation.  It's really hard to include everything, but you will def go through some adjustment period.  Very crudely put, you have to bluff less and vbet more, expect opponents to pass on easy river value bets and not fold often to river bets.  Players are usually extremely polarized on the river when they bet, if there was a bet on every street prior to that.  

A good live pro can make $50-$60/hr at 2/5NL and $100/hr at 5/10.

Sept. 16, 2013 | 8:15 a.m.

Comment | Ki Lee commented on live deep stack 5/10 NL

Thanks for the detailed insights, guys.  I talked this hand over with another live pro friend, and he immediately thought that 3-bet shoving the turn was the right play (he knew it before I told him the results).  His reasoning was that the villain would've opened 77 and KJ preflop.  And while I also think that he'd open those hands, I wouldn't be shocked if he decided to limp those hands from time to time.  And the other rather shocking reason he gave was that he thought the double CR was a sign of weakness and very skewed towards draws.  I'm not sure how many players have decent sample sizes on opponent's double CR frequencies to come to a meaningful range analysis, but I certainly can't imagine that this line is a sign of weakness.  But yeah, he right away said that he'd play for stacks on the turn, and as played, call the river.  I really couldn't agree with his reasoning, but my buddy ended up being right; our villain decided to go loco with K4hh.  I sigh folded and he instantly tabled his cards.  Another young live pro under his belt, I guess.  I'm really not sure if I can find a call the next time I'm in a similar spot. 

Sept. 15, 2013 | 9:19 a.m.

Aleks, the seemingly tiny Cbet is some what standard in live games.  ESP on dry boards, I bet 40-60% pot with my entire range.  On very textured boards I might bet 75-100% of pot.  This enables some balancing in bet sizing with bluffs and value hands and draws.  So bet sizing is more dependent on the board texture more than anything else.  Pot mashing dry flops prevents getting called from worse and it makes cbets either expensive if we make the same size, or totally face up if we bet less with them.  And as far as pot-pot-potting with AA in a deep stacked live game in a 3-bet pot is a but flawed in my opinion.  With 100bb stacks and online? Sure.  With 350bb stacks, we need to focus more on protecting our stacks rather than protecting our hand.  It's not enough of a reason to pot pot so that the opponent doesn't catch up to two pairs.  When you look at the board on KQ73ss board, we really have to consider what value hands the villain can have that will call our bet and still be behind.  

Sept. 15, 2013 | 1:55 a.m.

I don't want to blast him publicly, but I know his name and the training site he makes videos for.  I don't know his online name.  It appears that he actually is a coach for the website.

Sept. 15, 2013 | 12:52 a.m.

Bet folding the river seems lame, too.  What are you guys' thoughts?

Sept. 15, 2013 | 12:48 a.m.

Well put.  As much as you guys think it's a good play, in retrospect, I don't like my play very much for the reasons mentioned by Aleks.  It's good for my CR range oTR, but balancing is over rated in live games, and I certainly don't think that it's necessary to develop a balanced CR range on the river.   In a vacuum, I don't think online players will think twice about calling here with KQ and just chalk it up as a cooler.  I'm not quite sure what's the alternative.  I hate check calling, and I hate check folding.

Sept. 15, 2013 | 12:46 a.m.

Hand History | Ki Lee posted in NLHE: turning AA into a CRAI bluff OTR??
None: Jon Doe: $0

Sept. 14, 2013 | 10:05 p.m.

Hand History | Ki Lee posted in NLHE: live deep stack 5/10 NL
None: Jon Doe: $0

Sept. 14, 2013 | 10:24 a.m.

In your KTss hand, you've mentioned that "even if the opponent shows a set of 9's we have to call."  The pot preflop was $95, you made a CR of $224 and he jammed for $960.  The pot is $1279 and we have to put in $736 to call, and we are only getting 1.73:1.  We need more than 33% equity.  Am I missing something here??

June 17, 2013 | 1:54 a.m.

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