19 points
Man oh man. My last couple of sessions have been doozies. I have taken a massive bankroll beating. I am rolled for 100NL and was inching towards the upper tier of where I needed to be for 200NL so I was shot taking a couple of tables (2 of the 8 that I play) of 200NL and just got blasted from all angles. There were spots where we should always be getting in and there would be coolers, close spots where we get it in and run it twice and lose both, and lots of spots of getting in way ahead and getting sucked out on. I am trying to keep my head up and keep moving but it gets hard. Gotta get through A-Game to make it easier but also trying to do Game Plan and watching play videos too. Hoping to get through this tough time soon.
My redline is atrocious and needs work and I am running $2.6k below EV but I am trying to stay hopeful to turn this around and have a good year.
March 19, 2023 | 9:08 a.m.'s been an interesting start to the year. I was playing terribly at the start and barely at a break even through February. March is off to a feverish start. I have started playing way more exploitative, thinking through ranges more, and attacking fish and trying not to mess too much with regs. I am playing in MI so I have StarsMI, BetMGMMI, WSOP, Global, and have started to move away from Ignition and ACR. StarsMI has some very competent regs and the games can be very tough, but they usually have the most games running.
My plan was to take these first few months to get 100k hands and see what kind of winrate I could get and see if I feel like I could realistically play full time and leave my job. It is tough as I have family who counts on me and my income. I wanted to leave my job as they are moving us to 12 hour shifts and I lose time with my kids in the process. New plan is to keep going with poker through the year during the change, get new house projects paid off, maybe a vacation, while building a roll and hopefully start 2024 as a strictly poker player, maybe web developer also.
Here is my graph so far for the year, I know it is a small amount of hands but I have changed my game in the last two weeks and am headed in the right direction. Could be variance, could be better play, could be a bit of both. I am running WELL below EV.
Still got to work on getting that redline up. It is tough when I am attacking a lot of stations and also when I feel like there is a lot of money to be made with betting an amount on the river with nutted hands that will get fish to call.
Plan is to continue to watch play and explain videos and trying to dive more into mental game stuff while also trying to incorporate some database work. I know that I also eventually need to learn more about and get more comfortable with some more intricate math work.
Hope everyone's year has started off on the right path!
March 6, 2023 | 7:39 a.m.
It's been a while. Forgot I started this and wanted to check back in. I had stopped my membership for a while planning on going through the courses that I had purchased and watching content on YT and through other avenues. I have been playing a ton and also trying to get through a Udemy course. I actually was trying to do RedChip's core stuff but it is really basic and it is boring to sit through. I am back now to just being a member here (elite to access all videos) and ready to get moving back in a positive direction.
Will be trying to do at least one video a day and trying to find the right path for what I need to learn. That is the hardest part here for me. Will keep checking in more frequently now. Trying to get to a point of being pro next year.
March 5, 2023 | 11:14 a.m.
It's very refreshing to hear that you should know GTO for study purposes but should play "street poker" in real life. I am constantly having players tell me they are shocked by what hands I show up with because I should have played them a certain way when exploitatively I played differently than they would. Where do I sign up or getting beaten up by you in a review session? Hahaha
March 4, 2023 | 10:24 a.m.
Hi all!
I decided that I needed to start my very own poker journal to get myself accountable. I like to think I know what I am doing at the tables but I know that I need to study and get better and also change my mindset/mentality/tilt. I will go on a good streak of a few days to a couple of weeks of winning at a good clip and then run into a downswing or some bad luck and feel like I cant do anything right.
The things that I am going to do to turn this around are start on the A-Game Masterclass next week, The Game Plan, and work on getting some study time in on a more consistent basis. I think the main thing that has always pulled me away from studying is the fact that RIO has always seemed a very daunting task to figure out what to use and where to start.
I will only be waiting until next week because I have an athletic competition at the gym where I workout this weekend and will be focusing on prep for that for the next few days.
Background: I play almost primarily 6 max NLH cash online (100NL-200NL). I am stuck at 100NL right now after having a downswing at 200NL and not breaking back through yet. I would love to play for a living but it has been just side income for me as I live in the US and find that I need to hold a job for health insurance for my family and I. I would love to someday get to the point that I can just hold a part time job that just provides insurance and have poker be my main source of income.
Any advice or pointers on a good path here at the site would be much appreciated. I used to use RedChip and liked their setup where you just followed a course but RIO easily has the best pros around to learn from. I have tried the learning paths here but they still seem very winding in the path forward. I have gone through FTGU cash game course and have all of the other courses besides This is PLO and PLO Puzzle.
I really love the game of poker and would love to do it for a living. I just feel that I am stuck at a decent player that makes myself run poorly. Hoping that a little bit of journaling to get myself in check can help. Looking forward to the road ahead!
Nov. 8, 2022 | 10:42 a.m.
I just downloaded Anki and I am looking forward to adding this to my study routine. Or I guess start a good study routine. How are you deciding which spots to study? I don't know too much about solvers yet, could I do the same types of things with Flopzilla or GTO Wizard?
Aug. 11, 2022 | 9:44 a.m.
Thank you for the great video. I realize after watching with a lot of confusion that I need to learn and study some solver stuff. I have done none of that and a lot of what you are discussing during this session is too far over my head. Guess I have a lot of work ahead of me.
Aug. 2, 2022 | 7:26 a.m.
Great video. Does GG have a way to see redline stats? I feel like I try to play pretty similar to this style but sometimes feel like I lack aggression. That shows as well in my PT4 graph where my redline is always trending down. Would love to know if your style of play does well with non-showdown stats. Do you think that even needs to be worried about much or is overall winrate far more important?
Aug. 1, 2022 | 9:51 a.m.
NM, you answered yourself later in the video!
Oct. 1, 2021 | 9:44 a.m.
Are you checking stats in play to see opponents tendencies or just trying to play super GTO? I think the 56hh hand especially would be nice to know villain's propensity to call turns/rivers when continuing your triple barrel. I know you can't always be super exploitative with players that are close to GTO but I play with a lot of guys that I have a lot of hands on and they lean way too far one way or the other on if they will call/fold and that can sway what I need to do a little bit when I roll.
Oct. 1, 2021 | 9:15 a.m.
Can you call the 55 from the SB at the 12 min mark vs pretty aggro raiser? I dont know from Hero's HUD here what number is FCBet but if V is Cbetting flop and turn at a pretty aggressive frequency seems like you can still call to set mine.
Aug. 13, 2021 | 7:56 a.m.
So, I have done FTGU and I am now trying to go through the getting started learning path. This seems awfully complex to be in the getting started section. What does anyone think is really the best stuff to take from this in the learning path?
March 1, 2021 | 7:21 a.m.
Is anyone else really struggling to incorporate when we are using positive and negative blockers? I think I understand it a bit from the intro to blockers video when we have the Kd9s and why that is a good bluffing hand on the board in question there and the same for the negative blockers example in the video. It seems like I have a lot more trouble incorporating it in game. I am also struggling to see when in the pyramidal defense video, our river calling range wouldn't include KsQs but would if it is KQ of clubs or diamonds. I feel like I am really having a brain fart with blockers here and it is really making me feel like an idiot. Any pointers on an easier way to study this and figure it out?
Really looking forward to all future posts Chris!!!
March 15, 2024 | 12:31 p.m.