kenjigye's avatar


54 points

September results
I was playing zoom NL5,10 & 25. I'm struggling at NL25 by now. I still adapting my game to cash. I'm fixing my preflop game and post-flop as well. the biggest leak I have is 3bet pots by now.
Gonna study for that, especially when Out of Position.
Still managing a schedule, it's quite hard right have one. But I will do it for the following weeks.

Goals for October:
- Play 100k hands between NL5 - NL10
- Study 3bet pots OOP, and Single Raise Pots OOP when I'm the preflop aggressor.
- Make a schedule/routine.


Oct. 2, 2019 | 10:13 p.m.

Hi! Thanks!
At the moment I don't have too much time to do some sessions, because I still not have a well-structured schedule to play, study and do other stuff.
I really like the idea to have group sessions but maybe in the next 2 or 3 months or so.
The transitioning from MTT's to Cash is making me some mistakes so I'm fixing my preflop-range and my postflop game a lot.
So write to me again in this post or message me in few months again and probably I'm in.

Oct. 2, 2019 | 9:55 p.m.

Long-time without posting here :D

It was a good year for me, I joined Pocarr team and improved my game a lot. I'm glad that I was a part of their team. I recommend to anyone who wants to improve their game in the long term.
2019 Graph

But for some issues, I won't be able to play long sessions, so I'll play zoom tables. Starting at NL10 zoom.
My goal for the next 6 months is to be a winning player at NL50. Quite hard to me :). I will do my best.

I'll post more frequently to see my progress.


Sept. 20, 2019 | 5:39 a.m.

Post | kenjigye posted in NLHE: Whent to use Solvers?

Hi Everyone!

I wanna know when should be better to invest in Solvers, right now I started to play NL10 zoom.

Sept. 20, 2019 | 5:21 a.m.

Does the coaching still stand? I'm interested, playing Mtt from $1 to $11. But I guess, I will need 2 more people. :/

Jan. 22, 2019 | 5:32 p.m.

Preflop 3bet size is fine!
Size up the bet on the flop! You are playing against MP (strong range), you want to get value from his hands Ax, KQ, QT, KJ, and other pairs. They are not folding their Ax if you bet bigger.
3/4 or 2/3 bet size its ok on the Turn.
River check/fold but if he bets 1/3 you can find a call if you think that your opponent can bet 2 pairs or bet 1/3 of the pot and fold to a raise.
If you want to bet on the river, only bet 1/3, don't go all-in cuz only straights or better sets are calling.
Recreational don't go crazy and shove 2 pairs on the river they usually check-back these types of hand. I would only consider calling if the opponent it's a total maniac.

Jan. 12, 2019 | 1:35 a.m.

I started to play poker this month. I'm doing better than I expected.

But today, I fucked up in a huge tourney that I decided to take a shot. I blaming myself for doing a crazy play really deep in the tourney and I busted in 46th place. I was doing really well. But I wanted to play really aggressive against the bully at the table and I busted. I'm so angry at myself that I will take a break from poker for a few days until I calm down. It was the best opportunity I had and I fucked at the ending moments. Playing so passively and being aggressive in the right spots. But I guess this one was a little bit out of line or my opponent was a recreational aggressive player, I had a few hands with him. You can judge about the play...

I'm just gonna take a break and try to forget that.

Anyways I started this year crushing microstakes (having deep runs, but not enough FT's yet). Now I have a bankroll to play up to Bounty Builders up to $16.5 and regulars tourneys of $11.

Results so far of January:
- Tourneys played: 213
-Profit/Loss: +1034.71
Results per day

I just realized that I love this game, it's beautiful.
I'm taking a course of Japanese every day and pretty soon I will start to go to the gym.
I'm not exercising regularly, so it's gonna be a great idea.


Jan. 7, 2019 | 11:14 p.m.

Last results of the month at Christmas!

Last month at my job! Happy about it. Sounds terrific, but I'm gonna miss it somehow. Especially for the friends that I won't see daily as I used to do it.

Today, I got a 5th place in a tourney, I cashed $188. A small present for myself :)
I'm understanding more about the complexity of MTT's strategy. I'm getting more aggressive as the tourney reaches the final table. Putting opponents in tough spots. I love it! Hahaha

Today is the last day that I will play poker this year.

December Results:
-Tourneys played: 135
-Profit/Loss: +204.34


Happy Holidays to all! Wish you the best for 2019!
2019 Stronger than ever!


Dec. 25, 2018 | 11:56 p.m.

I have savings to play poker for a year, it is because I live in my grandparent's house, so I don't have to pay all the expenses.
The only bad thing it is that online gambling will be regulated in my country, not sure when, but it will be soon. If that's the case I will have to live abroad to be able to play poker.
I heard that in some countries poker it's considered as a mental sport. But I don't know how my country will take it.
I already have in mind to go to Japan or Canada in case this happens. The only bad thing about moving to another country it's that I won't be able to have savings for a year because of the coin value.
3 times my coin it's equivalent a dollar, so my savings will last around 4 to 6 months in another country.

Dec. 7, 2018 | 11:04 p.m.

November it's over!
My volume was poor. Well having different shifts on the job interfere with my free time. So I'm not able to play tournaments.
December it's gonna be the same, well it's the last month I will work in the company I was working. So next year I'm gonna play full-time poker. Pretty hype and a little bit scared at the same time. I didn't have doubts to choose this path.

This month, I will study as much as I can starting next week, at least 1 video per day!

November Results:
Tourneys played:
Profit/Loss: +$86.29

I made a table of which games I should play according to my bankroll and the gap of moving down for each speed.
1 month to go!


Dec. 3, 2018 | 10:20 p.m.

So... I won't see you Nick on MTT's! I wanted to take my revenge. My brain still not process that call with 96o. LOL
I'm waiting to see your results on NL100-200 soon :)
GL guys! Keep it up!

Nov. 30, 2018 | 10:51 p.m.

I've been away from poker this month. I didn't play too much, only on Sundays.

I returned at my full-time job, so it was pretty hard to follow a routine to play poker every day when I'm having a different shift every week. The transitioning of shifts makes hard to find a good sleep routine especially for MTT's.

I had the worst results in a month. The results didn't come from my leaks at the game, it came from the poor game selection. I just played 9 days and cost around $750 playing as top $11 buy-ins, using 3 re-entries on the big events.

Yesterday, I watched Ryan Martin's video about game selection. I will follow his advice. I'm considering reducing the amount of turbo and forget about hyper-turbos. I'm going to lower buy-ins on Sundays to reduce variance.

This month to compensate the time played I was watching poker videos. I learned a lot, there is a lot to improve.

October Results:
Tourneys played: 187
Profit/Loss: Around -$750 (The tracker didn't track some re-entries)

I have to move down to $7.50, my bankroll still allows me to play $11, but I prefer to go conservative with it.
I'm enjoying learning with RIO videos, sometimes I watch them when I'm at work :).


Nov. 2, 2018 | 9:32 a.m.

It will be nice to have a series of videos that contain information on how to play each stage of a tournament, early, mid and late-stage. Maybe it's somewhat redundant to ask for this since most of Mtt's videos teach this kind of thing. But I think I emphasize the theoretical with some practical examples.

For example the size of the bet having an effective stack of 100bb +. Usually, a bet of 30% in dry boards is made, maybe it would be good to make it maybe 40 to 45% of the pot since the opponent could continue in the pot with weaker hands when his stack allows it.

Another example would be how the late game changes when the total number of players is 300.1000, 2000, 5000+. Would you play the same way for each field size? What do we need to take in consideration about the variance?

When is it better to survive the bubble than to risk having a decent hand like 55-77 in early position? Do it depend on the buy-in, field size, prize pool?

Just some examples to express my idea.


Oct. 25, 2018 | 1:43 a.m.

The month it's over!
I still have 2 more days, but I will take these days free.

I gotta say that it was a pretty awesome month to me. I was grinding between 10-14 hours every day I decided to play. Having deep runs every single day. I couldn't get a 1:1 ratio of final tables per day played. But I'm happy with the results.

I found poker a very stressful job to do, the variance it's pretty nasty. But I love it. I'm pretty sure I will continue grinding. I will work on my job until the end of the year and start 2019 playing poker full time.

According to my game, I still have many leaks on it, I will learn from it and study more. It's really gross how a little mistake can make you lose money in tourneys.

September Results:
Tourneys played: 873
Profit/Loss: +$1116.60
Final Tables: 10
ROI: 29.6%
Biggest cash

Right now I have a decent bankroll to play some $11 MTT's and all speeds of $7.50. So from now on, I will have less time to grind, but I will do my best to continue getting more good results.


Oct. 1, 2018 | 1:03 a.m.

This start, was pretty good, Today I felt that I play my A-game.
There it was a moment yesterday, that made me realize what I was doing wrong and made those corrections on my game for today.

I started to grind on Sep 2nd and so far I got 3 Final Tables and bubble twice. Got twice 6th and one 7th place. I'm breakeven for now. But If I play like I did today all the entire month. I will see big results.

I gotta say that grinding 4 days and getting 3 Final tables, its good, I want that at the end of these 30 days of grind I get a ratio of 1:1 of FT's per days. That will be nice :D

This is my graph so far.

Now, I gotta watch some content from RIO and do some exercise. Tomorrow it's a new day!


Sept. 5, 2018 | 11:05 p.m.

James Hudson Yep, Thanks for the tip! I really appreciate it! In that case, I will focus on the biggest leaks that I notice, which are postflop in 3bet pots and defending the blinds.

Aug. 29, 2018 | 1:14 p.m.

James Hudson Thanks, I really want to destroy the tables :D, but not in that way when your AA's got cracked, you know what I mean ;D.

Yesterday run was really awful, I played more than 40 tourneys and only 1 deep run, got pretty bad luck, so the variance wasn't on my side.

It's time to study this week, I will watch videos from RIO, need to re-create a new preflop open-raising chart. Knowing that I'm playing microstakes, I need to put some limping range against weaker players for every position and every stack, I will go deeper about this in a few days. Also, I need structure my postflop game, to balance my game like checking some strong Top Pairs, I see many people just betting when is checked to them.

This is my graph since I joined RIO, pretty awesome, knowing that I was a losing player, mixing MTT's, cash-games, Sit&Go's and Spin&Go's, winning in some formats and losing in others, but in overall, losing more than winning and having a pretty bad bankroll management.

According to the last results, I will go back to play from $0.55 to $5.50 and stick to the 300 Buyin- Bankroll.

Is time to focus on my leaks, most of them mentally stuff, like playing bad when running pretty bad, and tilting a little bit.
In addition, I need to call more 3-bet, I'm pretty tight on this aspect of the game because results oriented. Be more aggressive on 3-bet pots being the aggressor and the caller. Defend more in the blinds. Learn more about what kind of hands to raise-bluff on the blinds. Usually, I'm just check-calling my weak hands and strong pairs, I need to add some donk-betting range on my game. To sum up, I need to improve in all the areas. :P

My bankroll dropped to $1183.25.

This experience I will have in September will be an eye-opening for me. So, I'm gonna do it to improve my game and to look really close on the little mistakes that I can do at the tables, that makes me lose money.
I don't care if I run badly or really good, I'm going to focus on my game.

This week will be pretty intense, I need some positive energy from anyone. GL to me! Let's F' Go!


Aug. 28, 2018 | 2:19 p.m.

It was quite a while that I didn't post anything.
This week I played mostly MTT's, got some deep runs and Final Tables, but I couldn't reach the TOP 3 on those Final tables, so I didn't cash too much.

I bring you this hand, where I fucked up against an aggressive fish on the Final Table of The Hot $1.10.

Week Results:
Tournaments played: 137
My bankroll dropped to $1327.35

Tomorrow its gonna be my last session of the month, I'm not sure yet. I'm gonna watch videos this entire week, cause I'll have to work at night. And then, 30 days of vacation that means 1 month of grind. Preparing my ass for this. Tomorrow I'm gonna post the graph since I'm joined RIO this last 2 months.

Lets Fucking Go!


Aug. 27, 2018 | 3:49 a.m.

Well, This week I was pretty busy and I couldn't play MTT's because I was working extra hours at my job and I watched my 2 videos from RIO. Looks like working at nights doesn't help me to grind. But the 30 days are getting closer, so just waiting to have an entire month to grind.

I decided to play some Cash according to that I wasn't able to play MTT's and I gave a shot on NL50, and the results were not so good. Lost 5 buy-in. So I guess that I only need should keep playing NL10.

Tomorrow I will have some action, today I played a few tournaments, but not good results, so just waiting for tomorrow.
I was searching for some chairs where I can comfortably sit when I grind, and I some, I need to decide which I took home :). There is still pending the upgrade for my internet connection, I still have 2 weeks for that, so I need to do it ASAP.

My bankroll drops to $1478.64


Aug. 20, 2018 | 1:33 a.m.

This week I gotta work on night shift. So I'll be playing only, turbos and hypers and maybe some NL10 cash. I can't hold to be awake more than 6 hours after coming from my job.

Pokerstars is gonna refund within the 72 hours, so a little bit of extra cash :D.
Also, Having this shift, makes me have some time in the morning. I need to prepare things for the next month, to have a comfortable month of pure grind only. I need to buy a new chair and upgrade the internet connection, it's quite slow. Maybe need to change my phone, it's not working properly and when my internet goes down, I used it as a source of internet.

There is still pending to watch 2 videos from the RIO library.
A lot of things to do this week. Next week I will organize my schedule for September, I still no idea what to do in my free time. It was a long time ago I will have a free time like this.

Tournaments played: 10
Profit/Loss: -$11.06
Numbers of hands played on cash: 126
Limit: NL10
Bankroll: $1691.84


Aug. 15, 2018 | 2:09 a.m.

Once again, Pokerstars servers went down 2times today.
So I played on Partypoker, and I got a 4th place in 7.50 PKO-turbo.

And also, I was on the Mini Daily Marathon, when 203 players left, the servers went down and I received $96. Well, almost 18 buy-ins. I wanted to keep playing that tourney, the first place gets $3k, but yep, nothing we can do. Hope Pokerstars fix the problems soon.

I played a little bit of cash yesterday, I was quite boring, so decided to play some 10NL cash, and got some profit :D

Tournaments played: 31
Profit/Loss: +$105.9
Bankroll: $1703.15


Aug. 13, 2018 | 9:13 p.m.

I took this Saturday "free", I had to go to my job anyways, went to be early and sleep enough to play early today.

It was pretty nice, made a lot of mistakes, most of them, making hero-calls, but to be honest recreational players can value bet 5th pair as the nuts. :P

I got 14th in a $4.40 Bubble Rush, I was chip leader and made huge mistakes calling with top pair good kicker and medium kicker against 2 nits, that makes me lose a lot of chips, I was sure that it was a fold against those types of player cuz they often value bet, they don't bluff so or bet weaker hands. So I lost it in a tricky way, that I really knew my hand was behind them. So 2 clear mistakes.
Sometimes I hear "pros", saying that you cant fold because your hand is the best cards and that I can't fold cuz if we fold our top hands in that situation, we are only calling with the nuts. But to be honest, against nits, usually, I have to call with the nuts most of the time, or when I see weakness.
Sometimes I messed up with that. According to my experience on micro-stakes, they don't have a balanced range. They just play as they want. Need to remind that, cuz many times I make mistakes when they overbet the pot, or they donk pot size, and I calling with Top Pair or a good hand, and they showed up with a better hand with me. And is rarely that someone is bluffing me like as that in those stakes.

I starting to take shots on $7.50 tourneys, only normal speed, and progressive turbo knockouts and big turbos as The Hot $7.50 or the Hotter $7.50, I will play Hyper- turbo and all other kinds of Turbo when my bankroll hits the amount of $2250.

So I was playing in like 12 tables, had a deep run on $7.50 tourney being placed 23rd with 56 left when the PokerStars servers went down. I thought it was my internet connection at the beginning :D, but it wasn't. The first place could get $650 but a Romanian and Bulgarian got the money, I placed 18th having 2 big blinds left with a refund of $20. Pretty nice eh! :(
There is money that needs to be refunded, so I think It will take a week to that happening.

So today was a clear mess. And the pokertracker couldn't record any winnings. So I lost today a little bit more than $100. I made many rebuys in most of the tourneys :D.

Tournaments played: 48
Profit/Loss: -$124.13
Bankroll: $1597.25


Aug. 13, 2018 | 3:08 a.m.

Well, looks like you are break-even.
So you are not doing so bad, you only need to find your leaks or the mistakes you are making.
Keep doing the hard work and the results will come.

Cheers and GL mate!

Aug. 10, 2018 | 11:01 a.m.

Today got another FT. Another nice day!
Placed 4th this time, and got another deep run in $1.10 Hyper-Turbo.

Tournaments played: 15
Profit/Loss: +$44.37
Bankroll: $1721.38

To be honest, I feel quite tired. Sleeping around 4 to 5 hours per day is pretty sick. Maybe I'm gonna take this Saturday free of poker. Still not sure about it.
But another part of myself wants to grind as much as I can.

Aug. 10, 2018 | 10:54 a.m.

Well, Well, Well. Today was a pretty sick day.

At the beginning when I came home after work, my laptop wasn't in its place, My mom took my laptop to do some paperwork, but thank God she gave it to me after few minutes.
So I turned on the laptop and somehow the sound wasn't working, the laptop showed like there it wasn't a device for the sound. But I still decided to play my session without sound.

So everything was ok, playing muted, quite boring cause I always play with music. But in a tourney I got deal AA, I open-raise my hand from EP, and somehow my screen freezes. So I was quite frustrated and annoyed by the recent events. I had to reboot the system.

Losing every All-in until I just had one last tourney, I had the idea on my mind that when will be the time to bust so I can go bed and relax for the bad results.
But something miraculously happened, I double up, I survived the tourney, I got into the Final table. Being the last when 15 players left with 8bb, I manage to ship the tourney with a great result!!! :D

I didn't think that this was going to happen. So this is my 1st place.
Really happy about it :D

Tournaments played: 21
Profit/Loss: Well my pokertracker is quite incorrect, say around $1000, so I'm just gonna put my entire bankroll for now - $1677.31 around +$760.


Aug. 9, 2018 | 12:34 p.m.

I couldn't win my flips today. Got only min cash in few tournaments.
I played satellites for the $22BB and I got a ticket, but I used that as a Tournament money.
I should've played that tourney :(. Next time will be.

MTT's Played: 20
Loss/Profit: -$22.45

Aug. 8, 2018 | 9:16 a.m.

Well, I watched 2 videos one from Ryan Martin and the other one from Nicolau Villa-Lobos.
Pretty amazing content!

Today I got a 3rd place in a $2.20 for $98, on the third bullet.
I didn't even think that I was going to get a FT, because I got a disaster run in the first tournaments I was playing. But I ran pretty hot on this last MTT I played. :D

Busted with QQ against A2s

MTT's played: 17
Loss/Profit: +$60.24


Aug. 7, 2018 | 12:12 p.m.

I took two shots at Main Event, busted before registration time ended :'(.
Not my regular Buy-in MTT.

Aug. 6, 2018 | 3:57 a.m.

This month wasn't the best one but dude, you are a beast!

Well, you are crushing it those stakes, you should try to move up. I'm really looking forward to seeing your results at NL500, NL1000.
Dude you are money printing machine, Crushing at more than 10bb/100 at those levels are really amazing results.
I wish to play higher stakes someday :D

Nice results, Keep up the good work and have a good ending summer!

Aug. 6, 2018 | 3:44 a.m.

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