keizersbaard's avatar


4 points

As stated in the title, wtf is going on that it is using THAT much of my PC's CPU. For reference, if I just open Pokerstars it will use up around 2% of my cpu, and if I open up a table around 4%. Is anybody else experiencing a similar thing?

May 29, 2017 | 12:44 p.m.

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players) BN: $48.98
SB: $54.47
BB: $70.40
UTG: $17.46
MP: $33.50
CO: $62.78 (Hero)
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is CO with A 8 K 8
2 folds, Hero raises to $1.75, BN raises to $5.00, SB folds, BB calls $4.50, Hero calls $3.25
Flop ($15.25) 3 Q A
BB checks, Hero checks, BN bets $7.25, BB folds, Hero folds
Final Pot BN wins $14.49
Rake is $0.76

March 21, 2017 | 3:41 p.m.

Hey guys, basically the title says it all; is there any software or other way to change pokerstars notes to a dual color system?
I think being able to assign to different colors to a certain player would let me graps the player types at (especially zoom) tables much quicker. So I was wondering if there is any way to make this happen?

Dec. 16, 2016 | 1:41 p.m.

Thanks for the responses, @nmlfree you're definitly right about a lot of thing. Firstly I do very much realize that this specific scenario is only part of the problem with my button game, but getting ideas for improvements on this specific situation will help me improve other spots as well. For example opens from tight regulars from other positions should play very similar to general utg opens. Secondly, I have a large problem with laying down hands, especially after I've been playing for a few hours and fatigue sets in I find it hard to find the discipline often. However my biggest take away from all this is to try try tightening up my range for now and taking my game from there.
For others who read this and may have similar problems; One point of attention I have found with regard to my postflop play is not betting Kings too much on dry boards when getting checked to, especially versus tight openers their calling range is gonna be just very AA heavy and their folding range pretty weak against kings. If you do fire look for potential extra bullets to fold out the KKs and AAs of early openers.

Dec. 15, 2016 | 5:46 p.m.

Hello midstakes plo community, I posted this yesterday in the lowstakes forum but havent gotten any response unfortunately so I was hoping some of you might be able to help me.
Hey everone,
recently after looking into my positional win rates I noticed something was significantly wrong with my button play; my button winrate in bb/100 is only about 9 over 220.000 hands played this year (mostly at 25 and 50 plo). This is way too low, and lower then my winrates from CO HI and UTG (respectively 18, 18 and 14 bb/100). After some filtering in HEM I found that a significant leak in my game has to be when facing specifically UTG single open or UTG open plus callers. In either of those situations I lose almost 50bb/100 when the absolute minimum should be break even since I can choose to simply fold all my hands in that situation and incur no losses at all. My stats when facing a singe UTG open with no callers are: 22% vpip - 8% 3bet - WTSD% 33.8 - W$SD% 40.7 - Agg 1.94 - Agg% 33.
So my question for you guys is, what is your winrate in this situation, how do your stats differ from mine and what do you think I'm doing wrong? Personally reflecting on these stats I feel I'm probably calling to widely with weak connectors and weak suited hands, and I'm probably 3betting way too lightly considering my 8% 3bet vs extremely tight utg opening ranges. All of this then leads to me having too weak hands resulting in only 40 W$SD%. Anyways, let me know your thoughts and stats.
For those who dont know how to get to this stat: go to more filters in HEM and under "basic filters" choose "position and action" then choose "hero position button" and "preflop action facing hero 1raiser" and "raiser position early" and you should have filtered for the situation I am describing.


Dec. 9, 2016 | 12:36 p.m.

Hey necro, I'd be interested in becoming your study partner. I'm also a 25 plo grinder (I found we played 700 hands together actually) I have previously also played 50 plo and 100 plo but after having had a break for a while I found those stakes a little challeging. I'm, just like you, looking for someone to exchange hands with and expand my learning beyond self-study and videos. Let me know if you're still interested and we can exchange skype or something like that.

Dec. 8, 2016 | 1:40 p.m.

Hey everyone,
recently after looking into my positional win rates I noticed something was significantly wrong with my button play; my button winrate in bb/100 is only about 9 over 220.000 hands played this year (mostly at 25 and 50 plo). This is way too low, and lower then my winrates from CO HI and UTG (respectively 18, 18 and 14 bb/100). After some filtering in HEM I found that a significant leak in my game has to be when facing specifically UTG single open or UTG open plus callers. In either of those situations I lose almost 50bb/100 when the absolute minimum should be break even since I can choose to simply fold all my hands in that situation and incur no losses at all. My stats when facing a singe UTG open with no callers are: 22% vpip - 8% 3bet - WTSD% 33.8 - W$SD% 40.7 - Agg 1.94 - Agg% 33.
So my question for you guys is, what is your winrate in this situation, how do your stats differ from mine and what do you think I'm doing wrong? Personally reflecting on these stats I feel I'm probably calling to widely with weak connectors and weak suited hands, and I'm probably 3betting way too lightly considering my 8% 3bet vs extremely tight utg opening ranges. All of this then leads to me having too weak hands resulting in only 40 W$SD%. Anyways, let me know your thoughts and stats.

For those who dont know how to get to this stat: go to more filters in HEM and under "basic filters" choose "position and action" then choose "hero position button" and "preflop action facing hero 1raiser" and "raiser position early" and you should have filtered for the situation I am describing.


Dec. 8, 2016 | 1:05 p.m.

Hey Phil, very excited to read that your plans of entering the poker industry are so concrete. I did hear some news previously but wasn't aware of the seriousness and depth of the project. As a business major I'm very interested your plans for establishing a player base. I think that anyone can see that attracting the more serious player base should not be a problem; professional players are feeling left in the dust by the direction of the major players in the market. For them any slick and trustworthy pokersite is a serious consideration. However for almost all of these players there is an extra requirement, they have to be able to make a profit to play. So to ensure significant traffic a casual player base is required and that is the component I'm interested to hear about. Given that this playerbase is likely they unaware of the upcoming existence of your site and may not be as interested in migrating from their existing pokersite, could you elaborate a bit on your plans to attract this playerbase? Im very excited to follow the development of this project and wish you all the best luck!

Nov. 26, 2016 | 5:35 a.m.

Thanks Phil for another great video!
With regard to the QJJ8 hand you c/raised from the BB versus a bad player, I've recently been calling these kinds of situations often because I found many types of bad players (at 0.25/0.50) are 1. betting hands with very little equity on the flop and 2. are likely to barrel again on lots of turns and feel they are pot committed to call with bad hands after I check raise turn all in. Does this line of reasoning hold due to the players I'm facing or am I underestimating the protection value and the lost value on scary turns.

June 8, 2016 | 11 p.m.

Comment | keizersbaard commented on AQJ7 oop 3bet pot

I do feel that on the turn x/r is best given he is an unknown and betting only half pot. I think the half pot bet discounts his strong hands quite heavily. Since our visibility is so poor on the river I feel that check raising will be best.

Dec. 29, 2013 | 2:09 a.m.

Thanks for an informative video phil,

 I found that much of the content you discussed was really informative but perhaps also quite well known or standard. That might obviously differ very much per person and I should probably know most of this stuff since I am a regular at this specific game. (I might actually be the person who logged the most hands this month at 100$ zoom, so pretty bummed not too see myself swimming around). Stilll some good tips on where to thin or thicking my opening ranges and some interesting insights on some postflop spots. 

I suppose if I want some more in depth advise it's really just time to buckle up and throw down those extra few bucks for elite membership. :)

If I max express some of my desires for future videos; What I would like to see and what I think is usefull advice for regulars of these stakes / people aspiring to be regulars at these stakes is analysis of statistics of individuals with regard to specific spots encountered while playing. Especially in zoom it can often be quite hard to take notes but the HUD should provide us with valueble information like you pointed out in the video. As such I often find myself in spots where I don't have extensive notes on an opponent but look to my stats in deciding what course of action to take. I would really appreciate a video in which you take a look at some gameplay and take into account the provided the statistics somewhat more in depth and provide us what logical deductions from certain key parts.

 I do realize that overall stats might be a somewhat poor way to graps the fundementals of the game and a tunnelvision with regard to statistics will cause stagnation in your growth as a poker player. However since it so readily available it is often the best alternative, especially when multi-tabling a lot of tables. And seeing there are significant differences in players statistics over signficant sample sizes (even within the group defined as "regulars") there must be information that can be obtained regarding playstyle or mistakes. 

As a quick tip in between to players reading this (hard to believe anyone is still reading, but it never hurts to hope) I would always suggest for serious regulars to differentiate between sessions in which you play only a few tables to take ind depth notes (especially in zoom) and larger longer session to grind out a profit and get more familiar with gameflow and make use of the earlier found notes. Though note taking should of course always remain a part of your game, especially for fishes appearing at the tables.

Lastly I do realize that to make an effective video with regard to analysis of statistics (especially of average regulars) both a lot of hands and a good grasp of the style this constitutes is required. As such this type of video might be more fit for perhaps Sam Lang since I suppose Phil is more accustomed with players far beyond our reach (well for now at least). If however you (or Sam) are considering making such a video I'd be more than willing to provide statistics and or footage; Then again probably half the poker community would line up for that opportunity so my best guess is that there never really is a shortage of footage.


Dec. 25, 2013 | 2:13 a.m.

Thanks for a very informative video Tom.

 I would like to point out that in the case of the KK93 hand I would be very carefull of the nature of the player in the big blind, in this case nas678. 

I have been been seeing these action reopening bets around and would expect most good regulars to recognize and employ these (at 100zoom plo at least)as well. As such I would be trapping with all my good hands if I was in nas678 his spot expecting you to do precisely as you had planned, to raise after the bet got around. This would ofcourse completely alter the result of the planned out course of action. Then again adapting to this is in your spot would be quite easy since if we realize that a player is capable of recognizing and responding to such a spot we can just call or fold instead of raise accordingly to the situation.

Dec. 6, 2013 | 8:02 a.m.

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