1 points
Let me know if you find one. Im interested of that too.
Sept. 14, 2014 | 10:31 a.m.
Sounds good. :) Yeah those Live sessions have their time and place for sure.
I'll give my vote too for 3bet pots oop and 3betting from blinds.
June 18, 2014 | 3:55 p.m.
Your zoom 'Know your enemy' video was pretty good, are you making the same kind of video on zoom25,50 and 100? Review of other player sounds interesting too. Since this is essential, some video about climbing through the limits would
be nice, and how to adjust on different limits - as that is probably the goal of most players here.
Generally I'd wish to see more videos of some specific topics and going deeper on them. Alien slayer had good series with specific theme on the videos for example. Phil had really nice series too about turn raising (in elite I think). So something like that but with different topics ofc.
What I don't like to see is these endless Live sessions which are usually "I bet here and fold here" kind of explanations on plays. There isn't many really interesting spots per video on these live sessions, sure they are good every once in a while, but they are usually quite low content and somewhat boring IMO.
June 18, 2014 | 3:20 p.m.
Is it inappropriate to ask who was the villain? I have quite large zoom plo25 database too, so I might check some stats/notes of him? It wasn't me - I checked my hands vs you. :)
June 7, 2014 | 7:44 p.m.
C-r OTF with your image should be pretty good. Your line would look really strong and you pick extra bb's there quite often when he folds his 2p/oesd/air. I see your 3bet range out of blinds quite AAxx heavy, so villain might stab with weak hands. Btw I went through my db of ~1.3k hands of you, and I can see your 3b range is wider than that, but I thought differently before that.
C-c seems a bit weak and easy to punish on turns, b-f doesn't make too much sense to me and b-shove (as you said somewhere above) you won't have too great equity there.
June 7, 2014 | 6:47 p.m.
Yeah i've realized that I shouldn't set getting supernova as a goal, but its just a bonus that comes with enough of playing. It's hard to get rid of old (bad) habbits of trying to rake as much as possible... those good old days of 50%+ rb and 20+ tables and easy games.
April 20, 2014 | 5:16 p.m.
I couldn't agree more. Really good post. I've been in exactly the same situation and I've been thinking what is wrong with my game lately and I got to same conclusion you posted about.
My biggest problem is that I always have to get that 3rd and/or 4th table to play zoom, to get in some higher volume for quicker supernova. My game hurts a lot more from that than I thought. I've paid over 6k in rake this year playing plo25z and 50z which is just ridiculous, while losing during these months. The end of the last year I started to redevelop my game and only played 2 zoom tables and had really nice results. Understanding this shouldn't have taken over 3 months... Im feeling pretty F stupid right now.
Sounds good. Im not sure how to actually create a group at skype so can you do it?
Sept. 15, 2014 | 5:45 p.m.