kassiopeia's avatar


28 points

Another amazing video from you Pete. I really like this mix of theoretical videos and live play. This is exactly the NLH content I have been looking for, thank you for these videos!

July 1, 2021 | 11:20 p.m.

Comment | kassiopeia commented on mchip

Hello, as far as I understand, mchip is just another more detailed measurement for EV. MonkerSolver as an example outputs the EV of certain plays in mchip.
The conversion is the following (from Episode 9: Opening Ranges in Early Position):
1000 mchip = 1 Small Blind -----> 1 mchip = 0.001 Small Blind
2000 mchip = 1 Big Blind -----> 1 mchip = 0.0005 Big Blind

As you see, the relation between mchip and Small Blind is the same as millimeter and meter. This probably makes it easier to describe the EV of marginal plays, for example opening raising hands in EP that are the bottom of our EP RFI range.
For example the EV of opening KK66r in EP is 31 mchip (MonkerSolver solution in Episode 9 at 28:44). If we would want to use BB to describe the EV of opening this hand, we would convert it to 0.0155 BB (31 * 0.0005 BB).
At least from my point of view, 31 mchip is a much more user friendly measurement instead of 0.0155 BB, similar to using millimeter instead of meter when you are dealing with smaller dimensions.

Hope that helps.

Feb. 4, 2021 | 8:28 p.m.

Hello, have not watched the preflop RFI videos yet, but I picked up on a nice and for now cheap way to study preflop play for 6max PLO. Goldsmith in the 'Top x % in PLO' thread in this subforum posted this link to instructions on how to practise preflop ranges with OddsOracle from ProPokerTools:

I have already analysed around 100 preflop spots with this method and really like it. It also works with a trial licence for OddsOracle. Just message me if you have questions on how to set this up in OddsOracle. Hope that helps.

Jan. 23, 2021 | 7:24 p.m.

I really enjoyed this video, very nice structure!
The GTO 3Bet summary chart is also really helpful.
Looking forward to the next episodes!

Dec. 6, 2020 | 5:33 p.m.

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