1 points
I would appreciate some MTT videos discussing variance at midstakes and what sort of downswings are fully expected as an MTT pro. Although there is a lot of stuff online speaking of this topic, a video outlining the current state of the games and how this relates to expected variance would be insightful. If there is already a video on this can someone please point me in the right direction?
Feb. 27, 2017 | 1:49 p.m.
I play the full schedule on ipoker with a good rakeback deal making the tourneys some of the most profitable online and I seem to be finding a similar trend coming up in tourneys where I put my money in, in what seems a good spot, only to have my tourney life on the line. This situation came up yesterday on the final table of the 50euro championship. Something like 2.7k for 1st or so. I will include a pic of the situation and how it looks in Icmizer. It's clearly a close spot in nash as it only has me making $5 on the push so what do you guys do here. Just take the spot and hope for the best or wait and find a situation with a higher profitability? (i also assume that icmizer figures could be off due to it not having exact structure).
Also can you please explain your thought process as to why you are shoving or folding? maybe even raise/folidng? as this would benefit me the most, no one word responses please....
My thoughts on this situation are that a profitable spot should be taken especially when i'm one of the shorties at the table. I can't win the tourney if i keep folding in this spot especially with having an ace blocker. However another part of me feels that if i fold i could find a situation that instead of having a +Ev push making me $5, I could find one making me $50 or $100? I guess the main question is at what point do you decide whether taking closer Ev spots is more necessary than waiting for better ones? Obviously in the long run the $5 spot will add up but will it really make me more money given that a) blinds could collide if we fold b) for every person eliminated we gain quite a bit so this should deter us from getting all in if possible.
Other factors that could play a part are that we have 13bbs so have to go for it sooner or later and also that table seems to have all regs/tho some more aggro than others.
Feb. 25, 2017 | 12:59 p.m.
Massively looking forward to the video on how to play on draw heavy boards. You explained this very well. One thing that stood out to me was that on a board of 772, i usually never have a check raising range and it was an eye opener to see the ev differences that my opponent is getting if i don't do this. Keep it up!!
Sept. 30, 2016 | 3:35 p.m.
I play up to $200mtts on various sites. Can you add me please: kanabal18
Sept. 12, 2016 | 2:47 p.m.
add me please skype is kanabal18 currently playing up to $55 mtts. Cheers!
Sept. 9, 2016 | 7:14 a.m.
add me please, kanabal18
Agree with this reply,
My thoughts going in was to use lower freq. betting with larger sizing when average ranges are closer in equity but my takeaway from this vid was to use smaller sizing when equities are closer?
May need to re watch vid again ofc if I didn’t fully get it.
April 22, 2019 | 12:09 p.m.