k0rn's avatar


1 points

Some very interesting stuff u have here. Looking forward to where this will lead hopefully you wont burnout :P

Oct. 28, 2018 | 6:42 p.m.

I like the 3b pre, on the flop we have a big range advantage hence we can bet. Big size makes sense as we want to charge the FDs , i ld consider a smaller size or even a check with a much stronger hand ie a hand i ld be willing to slowplay AAKsJs.
On the turn i like your reasoning , although i doubt many FDs fold for that price.
On the river i see merits for both x-c , x-f and betting.
Our hand is probably weak to value bet - true, so if we are to bet we mainly will do it as a bluff.
Our hand is too good to bluff with ? maybe/ maybe not depending on the range we end up getting here with.
Our hand is a decent bluffcatcher? Bluffcatching with AJ is a bit too thin for my liking. Will opponent bluff this river often enough for AJ to be a profitable bluffcatcher? I doubt this is a spot where opponent can show up overbluffing , on top of that we ll be having a lot better bluffcatchers here even if our flop checking range is not balanced.
So as our opponent probably will not have many bluffs on the river i believe we can make an exploitative over-fold here.
So x-f or bet-fold is the highest EV line here?
Its probably opponent dependent but with no reads and with the 2c in our hand i think i 'ld opt to go for a bet.


May 2, 2018 | 2:44 p.m.

IP GTO 3b ranges:
a. MP vs EP open ~ 5%
b. BTN vs EP open ~5%
c. BTN vs CO open ~10%
d. BB vs SB open ~10%

Our IP 3b ranges makes sense to be wider than our OOP 3b ranges. How wide though can they really be?
3b ranges > 12% can be considered pretty wide for most games.
On top of that in micros players are trigger happy to cold call 3bets or almost never fold vs 3bets.
This makes us want to construct exploitative 3b ranges that are doing well in MW pots.
So i ld avoid 3betting ruggish AA hands IP.
What sort of hands we can further include to 3b with? AKK, AQQ, AJJ , ATT hands are all decent candidates for 3betting as they block AA. Or hands like A987 also are great 3b candidates. Then we can add KK type of hands , double pairs and rundowns.


May 2, 2018 | 1:16 p.m.

Preflop i think this is kinda loose 3betting UTG+MP with such bad aces.

Postflop: Lets have a look at our range here

Slowplaying the best of our hands makes sense to me here. Hands like AdKQTd and AdKKTd or AdKQQd.

Then we have hands we are willing to stack off.
Hands like NFD +Pair+gutshot, or top set , or top two with OE.

Then we have medium strength hands that can take advantage from an equity shift to the turn i.e. AKQ type of hands.

And lastly we have hands in our Bet-folding range. Are we happy having a bet folding range here and if so is this particular hand falling into it?

Were we 100bb deep vs a single opponent i ld be happy having a polarised range betting half pot with mainly my whole range. Vs 2 opponents i feel obliged to completely remove the bet-folding portion of my range on the flop.

Being 250bb deep makes me want to modify my range further.
I dont particularly like GII on the flop here vs 2 opponents.
The problem with this particular holding is that i cant see myself folding if i get raised even if both players GII as we ld be folding too much equity. Most of the time one of our opponents would be holding a combo draw and the other would have 2p or a set. If UTG is the one with the set then we ld be playing for a 300bb side pot with only around 30% equity which basically means we would be close to a neutral EV decision point.
So i would rather check back the flop with this particular holding.
The problem with checking back is that on the really bad turns like K,Q,J,T without a diamond we have to fold to a jam but overall i think this approach is a higher EV line.


May 1, 2018 | 11:02 a.m.

Comment | k0rn commented on PLO micro Study Group

is the study group still active ?

May 1, 2018 | 8:14 a.m.

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