0 points
hehe ok so it was you :) i was playing 4 tables so i couldnt pay too much attention on your skilllevel. Based on the few hands we were playing my read was that you are pretty solid ;) i didnt mean to descredit you and i guess it was the first time that we have played each other HU. i only play 200 nl zoom for supernova this year and because i am playing on a macbook i dont have a hud for zoom. thats why i dont want to play higher w/o a hud and so i am not too familiar with the 200 nl hu player pool at zoom
thanks for the answers
Oct. 12, 2014 | 11:38 p.m.
BB: $310.94
Hero raises to $4, BB raises to $17, Hero calls $13
Oct. 12, 2014 | 10:03 p.m.
thx for the video. one question. in the AJ89 hand on J53JQ river (hand starts around 31:30 min) where he leads river for around 1/3 pot. what do you think about turning your hand into a bluff to get him off 55xx/33xx?
yeah by the time i was playing you i was not sure about QQ/JJ. i just remembered a hand where you checked twice as 3bettor and then stabbed river with air and i was calling pretty light. so it came to my mind that you may want to take the same line with a really strong hand. additonal to that i was was even losing to A5 or K5. i mean you have to be pretty sick to bluff3bet this river trying to get people to fold trips at 200 nl. i might have even called if i knew who you were at that time :)
@ sweet16
i am not sure about just calling river. it seems way to tight imo. i am only repping a few combos of 5x so he can bet/call AJ or KJ or maybe even some weak Qx that got to the river w/o betting.
thx for sharing your thoughts. its really valuable. did you put me on a 5 when i was raising your river bet?
Oct. 13, 2014 | 3:01 p.m.