jshilling09's avatar


8 points

Learning a lot from the series so far. In the first hand top left (KQo in SB v. a click from the HJ and a flat from a rec player in CO) you said you liked to be more passive with offsuit broadway. Why are we playing more passive w/ offsuit compared to suited there?

Jan. 25, 2018 | 4:20 a.m.

Comment | jshilling09 commented on Best screen name?

Best one I have ever seen was "iBinkedYourMom"

May 28, 2015 | 3:24 a.m.

Comment | jshilling09 commented on good call?

If this is a regular MTT i think it's a snap. That said, i don't play DON's so it might be different.

May 8, 2015 | 6:03 p.m.

yeah i think the inexperienced player would flat his AJ, AT hands, probably 3 bet AA and KK and jam AQ, AK and TT-QQ, maaaaybe 99. I dont think hes ripping 30+bbs w/ AT against a UTG raise but sometimes people do random stuff. Think it's a fold though.

May 8, 2015 | 6 p.m.

Comment | jshilling09 commented on 2/5 Live Flop Spot

thanks for the responses guys!

April 14, 2015 | 7:14 p.m.

Comment | jshilling09 commented on 2/5 Live Flop Spot

Awesome, thanks for the response. I bet and I really didn't like it. Wanted to see if most people are checking there. If I check, BB bets like $200 and Villain 1 flats, are we doing anything besides jamming?

April 12, 2015 | 2:49 p.m.

Post | jshilling09 posted in PLO: 2/5 Live Flop Spot

This is an 8 handed 2/5 game that has been playing a little agressive. The first villain is a weaker player who is opening to 25 every single hand and has a tough time folding any medium strength hands after the flop. Villain 2 is another weak player, He flats almost anything regardless of size pre and way overvalues his hands post.

$1500 effective
EP: Villain 1 raises to $25
SB: Hero Raises to $75 w/ AQssQJdc
BB: Villain 2 calls $75
EP: Calls $50

Flop: Ks8s7c

Hero: ?

I am not sure I have a ton of fold equity here, and I am not happy if one of them raises which they have somewhat often on previous flops. Is check calling to keep in worse fds too weak? If we are betting what sizing are we betting and what are we doing when we face a raise or a bad turn card like the board pairing or an off suit 6?


April 11, 2015 | 8:03 a.m.

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