Hey Tyler, thanks for the wonderful video. Quick question from a current 200NLZ player on ignition -- I noticed that you were using an equilibrium thought process in terms of generating bluffs (e.g. Q9s hand you noted you needed to find 40% bluffs to make villain indifferent).. however, due to the anonymity of the pool, against competent regulars should you want to choose your bluff:value ratio based on equilibrium strat, or based on population tendencies (because they are conceptually playing the population, and not you)? For example, if population underbluffs, shouldn't you in turn bluff more than equilibrium, because a competent villain knows population is under bluffing and he will likely be overfolding -- i.e. exploiting his exploit.
June 5, 2019 | 12:42 a.m.
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Hey Tyler, thanks for the wonderful video. Quick question from a current 200NLZ player on ignition -- I noticed that you were using an equilibrium thought process in terms of generating bluffs (e.g. Q9s hand you noted you needed to find 40% bluffs to make villain indifferent).. however, due to the anonymity of the pool, against competent regulars should you want to choose your bluff:value ratio based on equilibrium strat, or based on population tendencies (because they are conceptually playing the population, and not you)? For example, if population underbluffs, shouldn't you in turn bluff more than equilibrium, because a competent villain knows population is under bluffing and he will likely be overfolding -- i.e. exploiting his exploit.
June 5, 2019 | 12:42 a.m.