1 points
Hero: 11500
Villain: 10700
Blinds 200/400/25
Hero (BTN) dealt 7h7c
UTG folds
+1 folds
MP1 folds
MP2 calls 400
HJ folds
CO folds
Hero calls 400
SB calls 400
BB raises to 1800
MP2 folds
Hero calls 1400
SB Folds
Flop heads up
Pot (4400)
FLOP: Jh 9h 9c
BB bets 1500
Hero calls 1500
TURN (7400) As
BB Checks
Hero Checks
RIVER (7500) Jc
BB checks
Hero bets 8200 and is All-In
BB Calls all in
Hero: 7h7c
BB: KsKc
BB wins pot
This is a smallish Live MTT (about 32 players) at my local poker league. Level 5 is still fairly early.
I start this hand with a fairly healthy stack With about 29 BB. MP2 is a LAG has been playing tricky hands and I wanted to see a flop with my medium pair in position or instead of raise and get called on most flops. SB is a TAG and regularly limps with suited connectors and small pocket pairs and occasionally ace rags. BB is generally a tight passive player and when he raises into 3 people Im confident I'm up against strong range. I decide to call hoping to float most flops since he tends to give up when finds resistance.
Jh 9h 9c
I rarely expect BB to hit this kind of board very hard unless he has JJ. The Cbet of 1500 is also very small. While he would still do this with most Ace highs he would also do this with most high pocket pairs. The smaller size made me think more towards AK/AQ i decided to float and bet most turns if checked to but if another high card hits i would have to slow down since it would hit his range a very high percentage of the time
When BB checks I narrow his range down to TT/QQ/KK as I expect a double barrel very often if he connected with his ace highs. However I check back thinking most bets and even shoves on this turn would go called due to how strong his range is on this board.
River - Jc
BB checks one more time and I'm 90% sure he is holding TT/QQ/KK. With the second jack a shove would look incredibly strong I feel as hands like KJ/QJs and even some ace highs would have called that small of a bet on the flop. Ace high hands are also highly repped with a push all in. I shove and after tanking for a few minutes BB calls.
Was my bluff too transparent? What could I have done differently? Shoving the turn could have worked but based on my original read of AK/AQ I felt it was too big a risk. After the hand BB tells me it was a tough call and that it was 50/50 between him being crushed and being ahead.
I'm not upset at him calling since my read was right and he tends to be married to big pairs in the past. I just want to make sure my move was +EV and if I'm getting folds enough of the time to justify this shove.
Stumbled on to this thread and then started reading that podcast. This stuff is GOLD. very many thanks for putting that Podcast out there.
Dec. 4, 2015 | 4:33 a.m.