0 points
Hey guys
Looking for some advice. I've been playing MTTs and 180man Sngos almost exclusively for the past two years. Not full time but probably 30-40 games a day 3-4 days per week. Since I am no longer getting as much work/income from my 'regular' job, I was thinking of switching to cash to help reduce the variance and hopefully have a steadier stream of income, and stick to tournaments on Sundays. This was also an interesting read http://www.nsdpoker.com/2011/02/mtt_pros_2/
Anybody have any advice to help get me on the right track. And is Zoom the way to go? Or is it still worth table selecting. FYI i currently have an avg buyin of of $20 playing MTTs and around a 30% avg ROI. would start playing 1/2 cash. I have played some cash before but never higher than 2/4, and that was brief. I realize I will have to focus my training on cash and hire a coach to get me started if that is what I decide. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Sept. 15, 2014 | 2:10 p.m.
Nice video. To follow trzcinek's post, also wonder how much you tighten up blind vs blind with >10bb if the Big Blind is a reg. And is there a difference if it's turbo vs non turbo?
Hi. Just wondering about some of your open shoves. In the $66 you folded A2os w 5 effective bb, and in the $26 you folded A9s w 8 effective. I would have probably open shoved both. Thinking any A with 5-8bb and A9s is strong enough with under 10bb. Are these shoves in a turbo, but turbo only?
Aug. 30, 2013 | 4:22 p.m.