3 points
Your 3bet is fine, but it becomes an easy fold. What hands can call your 3 bet, 10+, AQs+. You said it yourself he is a tight player. The flop is a horrific, but we must cbet. JJ and 1010 got there. Now AK may peel one with this board to spike a Q.Remember he has postion. Now , turn comes A, another scare card. Now just about all of the standard 3bet calling range has now hit. There is too much you could be up against. So check fold, is the best line with the A turn. Just too much out there
Jan. 9, 2013 | 2:40 p.m.
All results loaded
I have been playing live for more than 6 years and have seen the games change from people trying to protect their hands and playing scared every time an over card hit. To floating with any pair on the flop and calling down. This is why I love to play live but it also frustrates me. We have to be patient and find spots where we can use our aggressiveness to our advantage.Weather it is having to put in bigger pre-flop raises or 3 betting (THE RIGHT PEOPLE) to narrow the field. If you want to play those kind of cards in late pos, you HAVE TO NARROW THE FIELD. As an aggressive player, you have to play A-Xs in late to middle pos, so K-9s+ and all pocket pairs. Play the nut draw hands strong and be very cautious of weak Aces in pos, but hit twp pair bet hard all the way because they are calling and may even raise you. Keep the pressure on them about as mentioned before DO NOT OVERVALUE YOUR HANDS. They will call you down to see what you have.
Let them play bad among themselves but when they play in your pots its by your rules, that's how you control the game. You set the price for your CALLING customers, and make them pay dearly. Remeber, our pots on average bigger because we put in raises. BIG POTS!!!!! Do not let them take that away from you, BIG POTS!!!!!!!!!
Oct. 4, 2013 | 2:02 p.m.