19 points
Nice video! in AK call down hand it is kinda obvious that AK is going to be better if he bluffs all JT QJ QT, it d be nice imho to add hands like A4 A5 in a bluffing region, with which solver doesn't pull the trigger but imho population will with a reasoning that hero unblocks fds and can target TT-JJ that block our perceived bluffs etc.
Oct. 18, 2022 | 5:59 p.m.
Daniel Dvoress nice video in terms of concepts, but for me imho it's quite weird when you nodelock some overfold vs 33% but do no nodelocking vs 150% size, and the consequence is quite intuitive that our value hands will benefit from playing an overbet. however, the field (maybe not hs) will definitely overfold vs 150% sizing, and if you nodelocked both branches, you would get much more accurate results and do more thorough analysis with your logical thinking (i like it btw). these are just my thoughts.
Feb. 5, 2021 | 7:40 p.m.
Daniel Dvoress Is there sometimes such a gap between times when a video is produced and when it is published? Just you said that the previous video was released a month or two ago, and it's been like almost half a year or am I missing smth?
Feb. 5, 2021 | 4:32 p.m.
Oh sorry, i was just watching your vid and forgot about the structure while asking, the structure for the second question and the third question was AJ2rb, it was first structure in your video.
Okay, then here B53, B82, B116. numbers here mean the percentage of the pot?
March 25, 2018 | 10:12 p.m.
Hello, I have a couple of questions. sorry in advance, if the questions are dumb..
first hand
1) we use a common range for all positions for villain for the call here. The range for mp vs utg, hijack vs mp, btn vs hijack, btn vs mp, btn vs utg, bb vs sb.
i think, that for example for bb vs sb the betting frequency might be quite different. don't have a pio myself. really would love to see your comment on this. are these approximations really acceptable?
2) could you please explain from a logical standpoint why we bet small aces A3s-A5s with such a frequency on the flop and bet medium aces much less. Don't really understand, if backdoor straight influences so much our choice. And if yes, then why?
3) sorry, i am new to pio. the best sizing in a first hand on the turn
second hand is 190 meaning 190% of the pot? if yes, can such overbets be somehow logically explained?
and could you please explain a bit tendency when we bet 70-80% on the turn vs making an overbet?
March 25, 2018 | 3:50 p.m.
"it's an interesting academic spot but i am not sure how effective it will be for poker games" - i think, it should be put as a disclaimer. but got to it only on the last seconds of the video.
it's, in fact, interesting to see that 7% change in equity can give such a drastic difference in optimal bet-sizing. but it's not even optimal (as far as i got it, uses formula that, probably can be improved and also completely relies on opponent's range. and it's not game theory optimal)
sorry, just a bit disappointed that only got to the last phrases at the end of the video. and i think, the whole reasoning part of great influence of change of equity on bet-sizing could have summed up in much less than 30 mins.
maybe you could recommend newer videos that go more into depth about bet sizing?
it would be nice to have some disclaimer or smth. because trying to find optimal strategies on your web-site to apply to my game and yet been failing but haven't explored much, have to say. there's kinda little navigation possible. only learning paths, where u have videos like this that u know, are a bit outdated or not applicable to the game.
i am sorry if i come across as a rude person. i didn't really mean to offend anyone. but i was really kinda expecting more from such a title as "optimal bet sizing strategies"
update: Tyler answered me personally. really appreciated it. thanks.
It'd be nice to see a number of bluffs after you bet a half pot+ vs a half pot-, cause it seems that after we block, we induce more, so people spew more vs those sizings
Oct. 26, 2022 | 5:04 p.m.