1 points
3 handed play , Villan is a weak tight player , has 4 bet only twice in 250 hands and decided to check down AK once when he missed.
SB : 800 $s(400bbs)
BB(Hero) : 412 $s(206bbs)
BTN: 200 $s (100bbs)
Preflop : Hero Hand : k♥ 2♥
Btn folds, SB raises from 1$ to 6$ , Hero makes it 20$ , SB makes it 61.5$ , Hero calls
FLOP (pot -123$) : 9 ♠ A ♠ J♥
SB checks , Hero bets 54$s ,SB calls
Turn ( pot - 231$s) A ♦
SB checks , Hero bets 121$s , SB calls
River (pot - 470$s ) J ♣
SB Checks , Hero (176$) ?
preflop once he 4bets his range is QQ,KK,AA or AK or may be JJ and 1010 sometimes and i guess he is never getting out of line with anything worse .
I called in position since i knew i could get away if he continues aggression or if the board runs out bad he might check and give up.
on the flop
when he checks , since AK is a big part of his 4 bet Range and i block 25% of AK and 50% of kings i thought he might have Queens
I decided to bet and continued the story.
on the river I'm left with 1/3 of the pot , he is pretty much priced in .and he might call me with QQ and KK since he is blocking most AK and AQ
should i check and give up or shove and hope he has QQ or KK and folds .
my perceived image is loose agg .
May 19, 2016 | 1:31 p.m.
SB: 48,770 (Hero)
BB: 13,007
UTG: 26,181
UTG+1: 7,120
MP: 32,331
MP+1: 25,141
MP+2: 37,287
CO: 6,257
May 14, 2015 | 6:37 p.m.
i will probably 4 bet and fold to a jam . AK is so strong 3 handed i don't mind get it in against a more capable villian . if i think i can outplay the opponents and get chips easily in other spots i would 4 bet fold this ,still left with a healthy stack around 27bbs .
ICMIZER clearly says it is a profitable shove with 88+ ,AQs+,AKo,AKs
he might sometimes be taking similar line with AJ ,QQ ,KQ , but all depends on how much edge you think you have in order to get the remaining of chips .
May 8, 2015 | 9:01 p.m.
Thanks John , Completely agree! , i ran it on ICMizer and learnt i should only be calling QQ+
I called and he turned over AK and i bubbled the tourney ...
Yes 18 paid ,19 remaining and the average stack was around 55K .
how different would it be if it was a payjump , say 13 ppl left and the next payout is 300$ and payout from 9-12 is 500$ .should we be more inclined to double up in a turbo structure trying to put more pressure on medium stacks and trying to get into top 3 ?
May 8, 2015 | 1:27 p.m.
blinds 1.5/3k
i have around 35k in MP , UTG is notable online player is raising every hand on the bubble .
the guy next to act is a inexperienced player not getting too much out of line (only one instance he raised from late position i 3 bet shoved from BB and he folded )
UTG raises to 6k , guy next to act moves his 100K stack inside , 2 players fold .
i look up at AQs .
should i call here (put him on a range 77-jj or A10+) or wait for better spot ?
only a couple of good players left in the top 20 , should i wait for a better spot since these people fold a lot and call shoves with a very tight range .
April 25, 2015 | 6:37 a.m.
SB: REEBS77: 900914
BB: sweetcorn95: 82387
UTG: drangator: 231525
UTG1: Indomptabl83: 360684
LJ: liger12334: 130048
HJ: fishspope: 124964
CO: noeggi111: 432593
drangator folds, Indomptabl83 folds, liger12334 folds, fishspope raises to 123214, and is all in, noeggi111 folds, Invincibles1 calls 123214, REEBS77 raises to 899164, and is all in, sweetcorn95 folds, Invincibles1 calls 614626, and is all in
i thought if i flat here he would reship with AJ+ , 99+ .
what should have been the optimal play here ? should i just reshove the EP raise and try to isolate Ax ,weaker pairs?
this was a 10K guranteed turbo tournament , BI - 2.10 $s
May 3, 2014 | 7:01 p.m.
thanks for your time guys . really appreciate your inputs .
April 15, 2014 | 3:36 p.m.
LJ: OSHO696: 26261
HJ: veru18: 19599
CO: baads85: 35299
BN: Invincibles1: 31606
SB: MashedGR: 42319
BB: Thief234: 14940
UTG: Fisheto: 14340
UTG1: gillete: 5802
Fisheto folds, gillete folds, morrisonja folds, OSHO696 folds, veru18 folds, baads85 raises to 2200, Invincibles1 raises to 5000, MashedGR folds, Thief234 folds, baads85 calls 2800
VPIP/PFR from CO and BTN are 30 and 67 respectively .
any thoughts/suggestions
should i have checked back the turn and check/fold the river or (shouldn't have played such a weak hand at all) ?
April 14, 2014 | 4:24 p.m.
SB: Invincibles1: $9.80
BB: Norpan60: $10.07
UTG: RoBnbIy Par9: $13.28
HJ: 19goga61: $10
CO: Shockyh: $12.73
no specific reads on the opponent , the sample size is pretty small
but i was on the same table for the next 1 hour , he still had the same stats around 14/8
RoBnbIy Par9 folds, 19goga61 folds, Shockyh folds, I like chups folds, Invincibles1 raises to $0.30, Norpan60 calls $0.20
Please add InvinciblesR
March 10, 2016 | 7:55 p.m.