Jay Michaels
2 points
I don't see a reply button under esso.g so I'm replying to my comment. I play 10nl zoom and often players call a 3bet with small and medium sized PP regardless of position. This is a situation I run into time and time again. I'm not positive that folding flop is the correct play long term but from my experience they often only go all in on a board like this with a set. If he had simply reraised I would say call but a shove almost always means he has a set. I don't players shoving flush draws or weak TP at this stake level.
Jan. 1, 2016 | 6:23 p.m.
Flop is a fold. Very rarely is someone going to shove with a hand weaker than yours and they'll typically have a set here.
Dec. 29, 2015 | 7:11 a.m.
SB: $12.19
BB: $13.68
UTG: $20.51
MP: $17.64
CO: $12.65
SB wins and shows a flush, King high.
SB wins $1.28 BN wins $33.15
Rake is $1.50
Dec. 10, 2015 | 5:10 a.m.
I would re-raising the flop because its a low flush. I agree 100% with Anom1c.
Nov. 28, 2015 | 6:10 p.m.
How would you have played the hand? Do you think getting it allin on the flop is better or playing it the way he did?
Nov. 28, 2015 | 5:58 p.m.
It's not about it being a top 5% hand it's about how it compares to his range and in this situation it is relatively weak.
Nov. 28, 2015 | 5:54 p.m.
You could fold preflop. His 3-betting % was high but he was 3-betting your UTG range which suggests it was a genuine 3-bet. You could also take note to his 3-bet size which was 10bb instead of the standard 9bb. His range appears strong here and being OOP I like a fold to his 3-bet.
Nov. 28, 2015 | 5:23 p.m.
I think folding it preflop would be a good choice. The SB 3-bets in a pot that has an UTG raiser which says to me that it is likely he has AA/KK/QQ/AK/AQ and I would be leaning towards AA/KK/AK. Then the flop comes and there is an Ace and he is raising and reraising he either has AA or AK which means you are flipping a coin when you continue your hand. Even if there had been no UTG raiser in the hand I would have folded to the 3-bet at 2nl because they typically 3-bet a linear range and not polarized still giving him a strong range.
Nov. 28, 2015 | 5:13 p.m.
It was a good fold. He knew you had a strong hand because you opened from EP which would have connected with this board and you led out on the flop and turn. Knowing that he re-raised you both times so he would have had at least trips but likely a straight or flush. It's hard at 5nl because players are trying out bluffs and weird plays they see in the videos and can just be all over the place. I would never call the shove, the only alternative would have been you shoving over his raise because you at least get fold equity but I would only consider that against a very aggro player.
I rarely see people shoving FD at 10nl. Usually they have straight + FD when they do that. Although he did call a large 3-bet preflop so it seems unlikely he has 77 or 44 but you never know. I think you're right KK would be the only likely set in this situation. I'm having trouble with this kind of situation myself. I'm losing TPTK to low sets a lot and I don't know if it's just selective memory or I'm over valuing my TPTK. You say he's pretty aggro though which I didn't notice when I posted previously so I would possibly call against this villain. Against much less aggro or unknown I'm likely to fold.
Jan. 3, 2016 | 9:38 p.m.