ilya briskin's avatar

ilya briskin

8 points

Comment | ilya briskin commented on How I Study PLO

Absolutely great content. Please keep it coming. Very informative and interesting to go behind great poker minds on how to construct rangers and betting frequencies.
Still, for smaller stakes players, would this strategy apply when online players are never folding trips?

March 2, 2024 | 3:36 p.m.

Sergey, good series. Thanks
At 10 min mark you raise AKQTds and get 3-bet from SB being 200bb effective.
It's obvious call. Flop comes T97 - you have TP, GSH and two BD Flush draws. Still agree that check call is a right way to go being that deep. Most likely it's a raise get it in being 100BB deep or shorter.
Here comes my question - on a turn Qh the opponents bets 90% of the pot and I think its a fold. I don't think he will play this way with dry AA, maybe if it is AA with flush draw and gsht draw. And in this best case scenario you are still behind his range and cannot call especially as he bets close to pot size.
Would love to get your thoughts on turn call vs. his range.

Thank you,


Aug. 24, 2017 | 4:47 p.m.

Dylan hi.

You 4-bet shoved for 45BB with AQo. I cannot figure out if I'm playing too tight or my opponents playing too loose. With SCOOP coming up and large player pool do I want to invite such variance into my game? Often I'm lost at types of plays I see.
Past Sunday playing in Sunday Million I lost KK vs AQo (opponent shoved just like you did after my 3bet), playing scoop #1M lost AKo vs KJo (again opponent shoved over my raise) and got called by medium stack with Q9o after I shoved 12BB in CF with KJs

I didn't want to make it about this one particular play but at the start of the tournament you got in twice very bad and lucked out to get large stack before proceeding playing well for the most of the tournament. Do you recommend gambling it up at the start to build large stack? (I do understand concept of bounty but still)

Question really is this - what is your approach to online tournaments?

Looking forward to next installment and hope you won the whole thing.

Thank you,


May 2, 2017 | 10:04 p.m.

Laurens hi.

I enjoyed this video and I think it gives good content and you provide clear explanations for every decision that you make.
A question that I have here is - quite often you bet 1/3 pot or less both for value, semi-bluff and complete bluff giving tremendous odds to your opponents. This should work well in theory if people pay attention and cannot raise your small leads every time. In reality in a large player pool it would seem that this strategy should not work very well.
What are your thoughts on this? and how would you combat this strategy if it gets employed against you.

Welcome to RIO.



April 19, 2017 | 8:14 p.m.

Phil hi.

Enjoyed the video but I feel, as you correctly pointed out, that you are making assumptions about player pool that led you to over bluff in many spots. You were overthinking these spots and played quite recklessly since these stakes are not high enough for you.

Just FYI, I often do just that. I represent a hand which makes sense in theory but players do not see it that way or do not care and call anyway. Spots like that cost 200bb or more quite often. As I'm not as level-headed as you, plays like that make me get off my best game. And I have to often quit after donating 10 buy ins and being pissed at myself.

To combat these tendencies I watch 20-30 min of your latest video to put me in the right mindset. Well, I won't be watching this video before I play :)

In terms of format, i think that 3 tables of zoom with a re-player is the best.


March 21, 2017 | 7:04 p.m.

Phil hi. Thanks for the series, great commentary as always.
I'm sure you've explained this already in detail but I wanted to ask you about button open. You open pot all the time. In the games that I play there is a high percentage of 3bets vs btn open which makes opening wide on the btn quite expensive.

Not sure if this is due to your specific image that players don't fight back as often. I've watched a lot of your 10/20 or higher zoom videos and I didn't see a lot of 3betting that happens in lower stakes.

6max or zoom 5/10 or higher.

Aug. 11, 2016 | 6:07 p.m.

Like the video Phil. Thank you.
With K872 hand I was surprised that you didn't want to lead the flop with your two pair and FD. Especially with less than 60BB in both opponents stacks, it cannot be a big mistake plus you expanding your leading range.
The last hand of this video - KQQ2ss - you have to call 210 with 768 left to play for. I think its a clear fold vs. tight 3betting range.

Jan. 18, 2016 | 10:15 p.m.

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